I feel like Im in an Alfred Hitchcock/Nature run amok movie. - TopicsExpress


I feel like Im in an Alfred Hitchcock/Nature run amok movie. Tuesday morning, on my way to work, I got about 100 feet from the house and theres a baby deer laying in the middle of the driveway. Surely momma deer didnt leave it there? I wait a few minutes and it doesnt move a muscle. So I get out of the car and approach the fawn; it still doesnt move. I reach down and touch (it still doesnt move) and find it is warm and after a few moments, discover it IS breathing. It is tiny, no bigger than a medium sized house cat (with long legs), so I figure it is just a day or two old. Mommas nowhere in sight so I figure shes abandoned it or it wandered off from where she left it. Better take it in to the vet, I think. So I pick it up and sit it in my lap in the car (its so small, theres still plenty of room between me and the steering wheel). But as soon as the A/C comes on, it perks right up. NOW I see momma, about 50 feet off to my left in the woods. I set the little baby down and point it toward Momma and it makes a beeline toward her, then promptly lays down. I figure it was a newborn and Momma was moving it from the birth site for safety and it just poohed out on the driveway. Then Wednesday morning I take the truck in to work because I need to pick up some feed. Now a male cardinal has been attacking itself in the side mirrors for a couple of weeks. Hell sit on it, take a dump, then peck away at the droppings and smear them all over the mirrors, attacking the image of himself with the aggressive loathing only a bird can possess. But Wednesday I notice a new element: he has attacked himself so vigorously that he has damaged his beak. Theres blood all over the passenger side mirror. Now a cardinal doesnt have more than a tablespoon of blood in him, so I figure hes a goner, and one of the dogs or cats has hauled off his corpse. But today, hes right back at it. And speaking of today, my old friend hte cobra is back. I havent seen him in at least two years. Of course hes not a real cobra, but an eastern hognose snake. But he thinks hes a cobra, because when I walk towards him he rears up like a cobra, hisses loudly, and fans out his neck. Its so cute, a little wanna be cobra. But as soon as you get within striking distance, does he strike? No! Instinct kicks in and he rolls over on his back and plays dead. I roll him over on his stomach and he promptly turns belly up. But Saoirse saw me and approached. I feared shed stomp the little guy (hes only about 2 feet long) so I had to scoop him up and carry him out of the paddock. Soon as I set him down, he rolled over onto his back. Dufus.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 02:22:20 +0000

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