I feel like expressing my opinion today with full knowledge and - TopicsExpress


I feel like expressing my opinion today with full knowledge and understanding of what having the courage to do this entails... When you put yourself in a particular position or situation, you find yourself using abject rationale to support your thinking or to defend your position. This positioning is where the Republicans have ended up. Now their apparent reasoning is to blame President Obama and everyone else but themselves. I was once told that if you tell a lie long enough, even you begin to believe it. Now most Democrats (Dems) find themselves in a position that happens to be on the right side of Christianity and morality. However, some democratic leaders represent constituents that are a cut from the same cloth as are the Republicans. My belief is that, it is these minuscule Democrats throughout the country that are trying to play both sides of the fence. Democrats want to appear that they too have deep rooted Christian values as do their opponents on the other side of the aisle and indeed I believe we do. Therefore, Dems, at times, find themselves in questionable disagreement of the White House’s political agenda. Perhaps, they feel disagreeing makes them a better person or Christians than their opponents. Given this current combative and hostile political climate among our political parties, calls for deep thought and consideration about the whys and what we disagree on or about. What does it really show? My belief is that this party has not yet recognized the important elements of timeliness, trust, understanding, team-work, courage, and pragmatic leadership. I believe these concepts to be indispensable characteristics of fulfilling political goals and objectives, and thus achieving true and real equality and equity in reflecting humanity. My thoughts! Yours? Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 19:15:04 +0000

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