I feel like the only way to get the people I want to be friends - TopicsExpress


I feel like the only way to get the people I want to be friends with to look my way me is to be literate and act like them. Honestly though - I just dont feel myself when I do so. I like to keep a relaxed and fun appearance but this just has a lot of links to elitists and those I-Think-Im-Smart-But-Im-Really-Just-A-Horrible-Human-Being people for me. Its like Im constantly on the spot of choosing to stay myself or to change the way I am currently to become something different and make new ties with people. People are meant to change, so changing myself isnt what Im frustrated with, its more of the whole changing myself for others thing thats frustrating. Its not that Im not happy with the way things are now, Im just never satisfied with what I have. I tend to reach for things even if my arms are full. And in the process, I drop some of what I was holding as I try to grab more to add to the pile. I dont want to lose what I already have in my attempts to get more. I suppose I should look back and notice how Im already doing relatively decently and to stop trying to grab everything I see. I understand this and I hope Ill be able to put this knowledge to use rather than complaining about it on a social media site.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 14:18:02 +0000

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