I feel like the whole thing is getting more complex than most can - TopicsExpress


I feel like the whole thing is getting more complex than most can understand and facing the truth makes people uncomfortable. What I intend to do is give you the shortest, and easiest version of the story and publish the more complex version. Here is the easiest possible version you all need to know in order to grasp the concept of my posts. I felt coming out with the abuse was the best way for me to try to get a clean break, tell everyone how it really is, control all the misinformation that has been going around my entire life, and defend myself against the smear campaign my ex and her family launched against me. Here are the facts: 1. I was codependent. 2. I attracted abusive women into my life. They convinced me I was the problem and I took the blame my whole life. 3.The fault being in my upbringing. 4.The emotional abuse put me in the hospital many times. 5.I couldve died from the abuse. 6.Had I not left my wife I would never known happiness, confidence, or independence. 7. My wife plays victim with no history of depression or symptoms of an abuse victim because she isnt a victim. Somehow my wife convinced me I was bi polar and I was never even diagnosed with it, I did however suffer the symptoms of an abuse victim. 8. She will never get over the loss, she believes she owns me like a possession and can walk in and out of my life as she pleases. Putting me through hell gives her a rush and that rush is her love and priority. She is addicted to it. 9. Her and her family still cant accept that its over and have tried to control manipulate and destroy me as person till Im submissive. They were willing to litigate me to the point of psychotic breakdown with no remorse or empathy. 10. This will be a lifelong problem for Lily and I. Not just through the divorce. She will suffer emotional abuse growing up in that family just as my wife, her brothers and I did. 11. If you arent part of the solution, you are part of the problem and Im certain to resent you. What pisses me off the most is that no one ever stuck up for me. No one ever said to her, how can you treat someone who cares so much and does so much for you like this? How can you not see what an amazing father, person, and friend he is? How can you destroy another life? How can you look at yourself? How the hell can you do these things and feel good about yourself? No one ever told me, you deserve better, this relationship is killing you Lyle, get out. It pisses me off how many people are afraid. Living in fear is not living. If you could save a life, you should do it. For as long as these people are in Lilys life, we will be victims to their abnormal behaviors. If people cared for me, they wouldve said something. I gave everything I had to everyone, my heart, soul, feelings etc... and never asked for anything but your love, time and loyalty. There isnt a single one of you that I didnt hug and tell you how much you were loved and appreciated everytime we were together. There isnt one of you who didnt get my constant praise, admiration and kindness and all I ever knew was pain and suffering. Are they rants? No Its real life and for the first time in forever, I want something. I want to be loved, respected, appreciated, supported, and praised. I want your loyalty, honesty and to see you stick up for me. Stick your neck out for the guy who pops in to tell you you are amazing, reach out to me, say hello. Share something with me. Share one of my posts regarding the challenges I face. I want you to help me give my little girl and I a normal life. -Mr. Lambert
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 13:01:39 +0000

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