I feel like too often people are too quick to judge another person - TopicsExpress


I feel like too often people are too quick to judge another person without full understanding of the whole situation. Currently there are protest in Burnaby against Kinder Morgan. It seems like all the comments I read on forums from general public are criticizing the protestors a little harshly. Recently, I read that somebody labelled them as, dummy protestors. Id like to point out that amongst these, dummy protestors who were arrested because of protesting are Lynn Quarmby, an SFU biology professor, and of course we all heard about, environmental leader-david suzukis grandson. I would think they are well educated on the matter because of their status. Also people often label protestors as tree huggers and say the economy is what matters not the environment. Another argument I often hear is that we all use oil, well that is true because of the people in charge of the country. Mankind is capable of creating more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy resources. The problem seems to be that the people in charge will not get enough money from renewable energy resources; money and economy only exist because people created it, I think we can figure out better ways live instead of being pawns for big companies, such as Kinder Morgan. Because of the money and economy situation, Canada is far behind in renewable energy technology, even though we could be a world leader. Another thing people argue about protesting is that the protestors cause is invalid because there isnt any real threat to the lower mainland. I think that is a ridiculous statement to make about the the environment, BC has major watersheds that provide us with drinkable fresh water. My biology instructor had no idea about these protest but she brought up these watersheds, in class, and pointed out that if they were all poisoned, we would probably have to relocate or die. An oilspill in Burnaby, could end up in the fraser river and then into the ocean. That would be catastrophic to the wildlife in rivers and the ocean. Even just on land, an oilspill can destroy agriculture on the mountain, which would also have an impact on wildlife. Everything natural on earth is connected, this video shows an example of this; youtube/watch?v=ysa5OBhXz-Q , this is one example of how everything can be effected if just one part of nature is taken out. This is just to give more perspective of why protestors are there, everyone is entitled to their own opinion but i think we see too often, people making negative judgements without any understanding of the full situation. These protestors understand the risks and thats why they are there. In the end, I think if we all get an education and focus on making a difference in other peoples lives and the environment, then the world would be in a much better state. Everyone is definitely capable.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 07:40:44 +0000

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