I feel quite certain the deck has been getting stacked against the - TopicsExpress


I feel quite certain the deck has been getting stacked against the average American citizen for a long time now. Since I started following issues related to Obamas birth certificate I have become more aware of how far down the slope this nation has gone. I realize these days much more clearly just how naïve I have been about the world around me. I learned that the forged birth certificate was little more than a crow bar to open the eyes wider, take a more critical, harder look at my country and fellow Americans. Fraud and corruption is nothing new to this nation, or the govt. Many have been going on for decades. What really happened with JFK being assassinated? 9/11? Structural steel buildings never before in history collapsed, but three in one day, because of fire, fell neatly into their basements at the speed of gravity. We are asked to believe that jet fuel can melt steel. Trade Tower #7 by itself is the “smoking gun”. Not hit by an aircraft, it came down in a classic crimp and implosion, going straight into its basement, something only very precise demolition can accomplish, which takes days if not weeks to prepare. Today, 5/4/14, I watched what fit the description of chemtrails being sprayed over Los Angeles, where I live. They are not supposed to exist. False flags like the Gulf of Tonkin. Phony gas attack pictures used to justify responding to crossing of a red line in Syria. Learning about the Cloward-Piven strategy that people who want to destroy this country are using. Overloading the system from within, in as many areas as possible. Writing massively large laws that nobody can honestly follow. Deliberately overloading the system by excessively spending and cronyism and wasting money. Overloading the population with illegal immigrants. Then making them citizens to change the balance of power for the Socialists that have overtaken the Democratic Party. This is only scratching the surface. Throw in the IRS, the AP, NSA, Fast and Furious, and the newest to really get a cover up now, Benghazi. There will be a fan to blow away the smoking gun email. I used to believe our politicians had the best interest of the American public in view. Democrat, Republican, whatever. It was the American people they were working for even if I disagreed with them. I still hoped they wanted what was best for the public. Nope. It appears that corruption, fraud, and looking the other way is more important. It has become clear that our politicians know if they say anything about what is really wrong in DC, they will have their reputations ruined. I believe if Mr. Smith went to Washington today, he would get assassinated. Literally or figuratively. So I am sitting here tonight. Somebody that my govt seems to want to classify as a terrorist. Feeling like the voice trying to be heard in Horton Hears a Who. I believe this forged birth certificate is the rug that is hiding all the dirt from the American public. I have been holding onto the belief, that if and when the American public really knows this is a forgery, they will do the right thing. They will be awakened to the seriousness of the corruption in their country. I believe the corruption in this country has reached a level that is threatening to the stability of this nation. We have the work done that exposes this BC for the fraud it is. More voices are needed to tell the American public. Your voice is needed. Please share this. Click on the photo. Another screen will open. Share from there. Also, book mark the URL and you can copy and paste it anywhere you want. https://youtube/watch?v=PwDqXFCy0Bo
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 09:07:41 +0000

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