I feel so much sorry for this family.. it didn´t have to - TopicsExpress


I feel so much sorry for this family.. it didn´t have to happened. It is based on pure lack of competence. What is happening? Photo: TT The couple had been trying to have children for five years. But something went wrong during the birth and the mother died later of his injuries. Now the father tells his story. - He wonders why no one listened to him, said lawyer Michael Lindblom. The announcement came in December. After 13 years of marriage and five years of fertility treatments, the couple had finally become pregnant. The woman was small, only 1.53 long and the baby weighed almost five pounds. Even so, none of the midwives in maternity Sophia in Stockholm considered cesarean. The woman is strong and can handle a lot more than you think, said the medical staff, according to the fathers history. bushed When the couple went to the BB Sophia in August, they were excited. Everything feels so amazing wonderful and my wifes face shines with happiness that now at last its time, writes the father in his report to the Agency for Health Care. But the birth was complicated and after two days of intense labor chose nursing staff to put in time delivery. The mother was then completely exhausted. - The father told the medical staff several times that she could not manage more, says the fathers lawyer, Michael Lindblom. The woman was asked to hold your breath to give more impetus to krystningarna, but found it difficult to keep the air inside. When nothing else worked the father was told to bend forward her head to keep her air in the lungs. Despite the fact that the woman complained of shortness of breath, she continued to be squeezed by the midwives, says the father. He describes how the beds position was changed several times to keep the woman upright. Eventually she ended up in a jackknife position. Ash face The head came out, but the baby got stuck with the shoulders. The father describes how his face was completely blue. Soon after, the woman becomes unreachable. - He describes how she became ashen face and blue on the lips. The father cried out that something is wrong, that she was not breathing. He shouted again. But he feels that no one was listening. It is only when you turned the mother that it was discovered that she is unresponsive. This creates uproar, says Michael Lindblom. A doctor jumped up in bed to perform CPR because the woman had no pulse. The father could no longer be left in the room and was shown into the corridor. The father describes how the situation was out of control and how staff fumbled around without destination. I see the fear in their eyes, writes the father of the report. Died after one week - It seems that the staff has been completely focused on the child. It is between eight and twelve people in the room but no one focused on the woman, everyone was working feverishly to try to get this baby. It is clear that the lack of supervision, said Michael Lindblom. The doctor manages to revive the woman after an hour and a half was taken by ambulance to the Karolinska Hospital. A week later, she died as a result of hypoxia and extensive brain damage. She never got to see his child. BB Sophia: Have gone right to - Heart and lung rescue came on the first three to five minutes after the mother stopped breathing. It is remarkable long. Additionally, you would think they would send the woman to the Karolinska earlier. If the situation was so urgent, why did not the ambulance directly? says Michael Lindblom. He describes how the father feels neglected by BB Sophia. In the report, he puts several questions to the staff: Why was rushed tempo without adjustment to how she was feeling? Why was my wife never under surveillance? Why was not checked her pulse and blood pressure? But according BB Sophia has all gone wrong. In a press release issued shortly after the event, they wrote that the womans condition does not in any way be associated with BB Sophia capacity in intensive care. They would not comment on the incident in detail but indicated that there were no indications that the baby weighed almost five pounds. - We had no idea about it. There was nothing in the womans medical record from the antenatal clinic, which indicated that the childs birth weight would be 4.8 pounds. Where missing data points towards this birth weight, says Ulrica Törning, press officer at BB Sophia. Indescribably trauma The father, a 50 year old man, is now at home with her daughter. It is still too early to tell if the child has suffered some damage during the difficult birth. - This is as clear an indescribable trauma for the father. He feels that his whole life has changed. Suddenly he was alone and single parent. He feels that the hospital listened to him. Fortunately, he has a social network that helps him in this.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 20:02:13 +0000

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