I feel that the destruction and theft of private property - TopicsExpress


I feel that the destruction and theft of private property unrelated to the issue of the shooting in Ferguson by many unknown and now some wanted individuals is detrimental to any peaceful protests or arguments that could and/or have taken place, maybe even so detrimental as to have spread the divide even further than it was between opposing sides in this social debate.Look up Ferguson looting or vandalism elsewise and you see CROWDS of individuals with their arms laden with stolen products from electronics to liquor. Stores torn apart and stripped, some homes ransacked, cars lit on fire that are probably owned by people whom are completely unrelated to the crime. These are the actions of bad, greedy, violent people, not people desperate for social justice. However, as far as the media sees it and actually (from many of the photos and stories) as far as some of them see it... They are social justice advocates, standing outside of a ransacked liquor store with their hands in the air to show respect for the shooting before presumably going home to drink their ill gotten goods.In the end, this has caused more damage wholesale than the shooting itself(probably a vast quantity of state tax dollars, not to mention the private coat to property owners, or even the probably killed cost of realeastate after this), which is ambiguous in itself, and which I will not even divulge my standing on.Please, change my view on how these criminals have helped in terms of social justice and understanding between hotly opposed sides.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 06:27:48 +0000

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