I feel the need to write. Not necessarily to anyone in - TopicsExpress


I feel the need to write. Not necessarily to anyone in particular, just write. My dad has been through hell and it has continued and worsened over a period of years now. All children love their dad, well almost all. (mine has not spoken to me in 6 and a half years now.) But I love my dad. As an adopted child I could have ended up anywhere. I got lucky. He suffers from SO many ailments it is ridiculous. He had a new aortic valve, pacemaker and defibrillator put in last year, in a most radical and life threatening procedure. He had NO fear because of his Faith. He is diabetic, has ulcerative colitis and is constantly on the toilet, IF he can make it, is totally blind in one eye and half blind in the other from macular degeneration, suffers from severe neuropathy in his legs which he can barely feel, stumbles and falls or holds onto walls to walk, suffers from COPD after years of smoking. (You think I would learn.), has herniated disc problems and bursitis in his shoulders. A simple cold can debilitate him like now. He is at a different doctor almost every day. Thank God for the VA and medicare. He is a WWII Vet and has trouble comprehending what has happened to HIS COUNTRY. HE and Another soldier were selected by President Truman PERSONALLY to carry out a mission which was abandoned because the war ended. He was sworn to secrecy what the mission was and to this day will not tell me or anyone else any details. He was and is a man of Honor. He has lost his will to live and most recently sleeps the day (and night) away, except for time in the bathroom. My Mom has been a saint and stood by his side (after 60 years of marriage!!) I try. Last night, while coherent, he and I reminisced over photos spanning 87 years. Some were obviously very painful for him but he is a man of God. He NEVER held a grudge and he ALWAYS forgave. (Another lesson) I remember as a kid the countless acts of selfless kindness I would watch him perform, without ever seeking recognition. (I NEED to work on the same trait) Some were obvious to the beneficiary and some were not. He was a simple house painter, but was blessed by God to be an artisan. His type of perfection no longer exists. His company was medium sized but well known for perfectionism. He employed 6 to 10 men throughout a 50+ year career. He painted the church, to which he was so devoted, at no cost, inside and out every 3 years and he paid his men their regular salary when no profit was involved. If he did not have work for the crew which was not often, he paid them anyway saying they had families to support. He gave them Christmas bonuses. He sent money to people in need when we were not wealthy, most times anonymously. When a young employees dad died he got the family back on their feet. He was so strong and has now been reduced to such a fragile man. I love MY GOD also, and all I ask is that HE reserve a front row seat for my Dad. He earned it!!! In my teens he pulled me aside and said I love you kids dearly, but nothing will come between me and your mom. He taught me the meaning of LIFE and for that I will be forever grateful!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 17:31:24 +0000

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