I feel the pull and temptation to hate Israelis who commit these - TopicsExpress


I feel the pull and temptation to hate Israelis who commit these horrendous crimes. But they are also (no sarcasm) victims of the ignorance and hatred that has polluted their heart, and which is also potential in each one of us. Israelis who commit these crimes do not see Palestinians as human. Let us not give in to the hatred and ignorance that blind humans to the humanity in others, including the humanity of Israelis, even those who truly act like monsters. Its not just about not hating another, being naively warm and fuzzy, turning the other cheek and what not. Its about protecting our own heart - and protecting others indirectly - from the destructiveness of hatred, which takes no side, and spreads its nasty seeds wherever it can grow, indiscriminately. There is no such thing as good hatred and bad hatred. Hatred is always destructive, and the destruction starts within the one who gives in to hatred. And both sides believe themselves to be on the good side of hatred. Israelis commit these crimes because they are afraid. Fear is this nasty root that grows and suffocates everything good, making this life a nasty hell. “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” - Yoda Love is the only way out. Not cherub baby love. We are all humanity. No division. To stay in touch with the wholeness of our humanity, we need to protect our inner connection with the *whole* of humanity. To protect the whole. We are all one human. Man must not disclaim his brotherhood, even with the guiltiest. - Nathaniel Hawthorne. And if it seems too lofty and idealistic, it is because it is a divine perspective. And if we can hardly elevate ourselves to this perspective, we should not assume that God cant. Each soul will face their own actions, and from the perspective of eternity and love, we will judge our own soul. Read your own book; on this day you are sufficient to take your own account. - Quran 17:14 I feel deep sadness for the souls who so horribly wrong others, because of the torment they will be shown, in full, technicolor, real-life magnified vision, what they have done, and they will feel everything, magnified a thousand times, perceiving all the ripples of their actions in the world, and sensing even each expression of negativity as a torment. The Day of Justice will be more severe upon the oppressor than was the day of injustice upon the oppressed. - ‘Alī Ibn Abi Talib They will fully recognize and feel to the core of their soul the humanity of those they have brutalized and murdered. They will see their lives, their memories, their laughter, their shattered hopes, and all the suffering that follow from violence. They will not be able to stop their hand from striking then. They will wish with every fibre of their being that they could go back and hug that other human instead of butchering them. It will be sheer, absolute hell to watch themselves carry out these acts without being able to stop their hand from striking, and their mouth from hurtling offence. Those who were hurt and killed will be at peace there. Those who have caused torment and pain will not. So when we have risen from this world, will we rejoice at their suffering? No we will not. Will we gloat as they suffer, as they have in our suffering? No. Is it not also inhuman to thirst for the suffering of another human, whatever their actions may be? Israelis are likewise hating Palestinians, thirsting for their suffering because they perceive them as scum, as sub-human. We should not fall into the same trap. God protect our heart from giving in to this error. We will all be one in the other Life. And each souls sorrow at the pain they have caused will be a torment to behold. From a place of pure love, we will only want to hold each other and try to appease this pain. Those who have been tormentors will be surrounded with loving presences who hold them as they go through the horrors of witnessing the actions of their life. Their self-judgment will be enough. The tormentors will have to carry the indelible memory of what they have done, and that is enough of a hell. There is no worse hell than this. There is no judgment coming from God, only unconditional love and acceptance. And we will each have to bear the full weight of the consequences of our actions. So the only thing we will not regret then is to have chosen love and compassion over fear and hatred.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 18:04:21 +0000

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