I feel this might be worth the watch he Eternal Jew (Der Ewige - TopicsExpress


I feel this might be worth the watch he Eternal Jew (Der Ewige Jude) is a documentary film made in 1940 by the then Zionism free Germans. Directed by Fritz Hippler and narrated by Harry Giese – an anchorman with Die Deutsche Wochenschau, The Eternal Jew was produced in the Third Reich upon orders from Minister of Public Enlightenment Joseph Goebbels. And does it ever enlighten. I believe that once the world is rid of the forces of evil, The Eternal Jew film will be a mandatory viewing in all schools the world over. The Eternal Jew was premiered on November 28, 1940. According to Best Gore member pnn69, the film is currently banned in Russia where it is included on the Federal List of Extremist Materials (№ 5) due to a decision by the Tikhvin Town Court of Leningrad Oblast (Region) dated May 25, 2004. In the US the film is in the public domain so it is available for free viewing and download without restrictions. In the most general terms, The Eternal Jew describes to the viewer what the Jews are all about, where they came from, what they did throughout history, what are they taught to be like and what rituals they practise. All statements made are backed up with real life audio visual references. It is amazing that many decades later, one can say with utmost certainty that there is not a single thing in the film that isn’t true. Likewise, one could say with utmost certainty that one wouldn’t find a single description made back then that wouldn’t fit the character of the subject matter today. Jewish morality, in crass contradiction of Aryan concept of ethics, proclaims the unrestrained egoism of every Jew to be divine law. His religion makes cheating and usury a duty. Have you ever in your life heard truer words be spoken? As the filmmakers observed, Jewish children are conditioned to embrace egoism and arrogance from very early on in their lives. Among the many other observations made is the Jewish dislike of productive work. The documentary makers observed that the Jews not only don’t like to work, but will not work. Aryan man attaches a sense of worth to every activity. He’s ruled by the feeling of being responsible for his achievements. But for the Jew there is but one thing of value – money. How he gets it makes no difference. Let me ask it again – has truer words ever been spoken? At one point, when the documentary makers talked about how the Jews always try to sneak into rich lands with rich people, pictures of America, Sweden, France, Holland, UK and other white nations instantly popped into my mind. The Jew has always appeared to be a master destroyer, never a creator hence the observation the filmmakers made about the Jews invading countries with productive work force and active farmers because they themselves never produce anything made perfect sense. The Jews are a people without farmers or workers, a race of parasites. It’s pretty clear why Israel needs to lobby for more and more foreign aid while utilizing all of their media influence to sustain the Holocaust lie. Unlawful repatriations sound like a great way to sustain a nation of destroyers. They make business out of the sickness of the nation… Countries tricked into sending their sons and daughters to fight wars from which only the Jew benefits – do you see yourselves in this statement? For thousands of years, wherever they came, they leeched, looted and destroyed. And for thousands of years, wherever they came, they’ve been kicked out for that very reason. Does it not make one wonder why it’s always the Jews? Why no matter which part of the world they invaded, the people eventually grew sick and tired of their usury, swindling and fraud and kicked them out? Does it not make one wonder why it’s only the Jews, never any other people? Actually – it used to be that nations were able to kick them out but it’s no longer the case. During the thousands of years of leeching, looting, destroying and conspiring against the free peoples of the world, they eventually got us to dance to their tune. While we’ve been busy working and farming, they’ve been busy plotting and conspiring against us. Every parent should demand for The Eternal Jew to be made a mandatory viewing in each and every school and for Jewish propaganda documentaries known to contain intentional lies, such as this documentary to be banned.. And if schools prove to be too programmed against teaching our children facts and truth, then every parent should educate their children on their own by watching the movie with them at home. When the world becomes free, I have no doubt The Eternal Jew will be the foundation of truth studies. The Eternal Jew is re-uploaded several times on YouTube. It is incredibly encouraging to see how many people continue finding the truth despite all the brainwash. I liked a comment a YouTuber made in a response to a Jew who said that: “You are all just jealous my people still control most of the financial sector in the world” I’m definitely not jealous of your people. I feel disappointed in, perturbed by, ashamed of, embarrassed for, and pity towards you due to your naive delusion that money and power are the ultimate achievements in life. Yes, I feel all of those emotions and more towards the profiteers you call “your people.” I could not agree more with the above statement. It is also worthy of mention that the best the Zionist puppet have been able to come up with were the attempts to discredit the video the Zionist way – by calling it any of the pre approved labels they use on anyone that exposes the truth about them, such as Anti Semitic, Nazi Propaganda, etc. However none has been able to prove any of the statements within as false. Nazi Propaganda or not, if the statements are true, then it is truth. Although as we know, in the Zionist Occupied Societies, truth is the new hate speech. Hitler’s war is not over yet. Adolf Hitler has merely started the greatest mission of all time – to set mankind free of the forces of evil. It’s a battle much greater that Hitler could have finalized on his own. But he left us a powerful legacy that lingers ever so stronger. Despite all their grip on money, media and military, the forces of evil are losing the war of awareness. They’ve conquered just about everything that can be conquered, but despite their really good run at conquering the truth, they’re failing. The truth is prevailing and eventually, it will conquer. For truth conquers all. The path to victory leads through awareness. Vincit Omnia Veritas! https://youtube/watch?v=RlHVin56U2w
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 05:42:43 +0000

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