I feel very sorry about what’s happening in Yemen. It’s a - TopicsExpress


I feel very sorry about what’s happening in Yemen. It’s a great country with hardworking people. The Houthis are Shiite extremists who represent less than 10 percent of the population. Considering the Yemeni society, the Houthis will never succeed. The Yemenis are up in arms and they are tribal, which will never accept the domination of the Houthis. When I was working in Saudi Arabia in the late 50’s and early 60’s as a teacher in an area close to Yemen, I could see tens of thousands of Yemenis cross the border, without any hindrance, to work in Saudi Arabia. It was like a safety net, helping the Yemenis to survive, and at the same time, helping the Saudis to carry out hard labor jobs, such as construction, agriculture, housekeeping, etc., just like the Mexicans are doing the same, helping the United States. What a difference how the United States is treating those Mexicans and those selfish Arabs and Muslims from the Gulf countries are treating their own brothers and neighbors! What encouraged the Houthis is the Saudi Arabia government’s stupidity by declaration that the moderate Muslim Al-Islah in Yemen are terrorists, like they labeled the same Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. The Saudi government’s action indirectly encouraged the Houthis, who are agents of the Iranians, the archenemy of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia expelled hundreds of thousands of the Yemenis for no reason in the early 90’s, except their former President Ali Abdullah Saleh sided with late President Saddam Hussein in his occupation of Kuwait. That was very unfair, and the people had nothing to do with their president’s decision; the same as with the Saudi people who have nothing to do with the declaration of their government now to side with the military coup of General Sisi of Egypt against his own people. Did the Saudis consult with their people to finance that coup for almost 12 billion dollars? I suggested in several press conferences that Yemen should be part of the Gulf Cooperation Council, particularly during my conference inside the United Nations as chairman of Arab Americans against Military Intervention in the Gulf on November 15, 1990. On that date, the Security Council authorized a strike against Iraq by January 15, 1991 if they did not pull out of Kuwait. Yemen is located in the Arabian Peninsula, having the same culture, language, religion, history, etc. It is imperative on those Gulf countries to extend a hand to the Yemeni people. I also totally oppose the United States using drones to kill Yemenis, including some American citizens, without any justification. It is not our damn business to do that.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 19:28:17 +0000

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