I felt led to Share my Testimony to my Facebook Family & Friends - TopicsExpress


I felt led to Share my Testimony to my Facebook Family & Friends to Inspire you, Encourage you and build FAITH IN YOU! In Jesus Name! My Testimony: November 17, 1992 God Raised ME from death to LIFE! As I sit here at my desk tears run down my face. They are tears of Gratitude. They are tears of Thankfulness proclaiming Gods Mercy, Grace and Goodness on my Life. Let me explain Why: November 17, 1992 would forever change the course of my Life-literally. It started out like any other day, so I thought. It was a cold, dreary Autumn morning when me and my two best friends were heading out to work at 5:30 that morning. We were going to a job site 65 miles south of San Antonio in a rural community. Just a few miles from the work site we were involved in a horrific motor vehicle accident. I was unconscious and unresponsive. My friends were badly hurt but conscious. I was air lifted to University hospital in San Antonio, Texas. When the doctors saw me and the shape I was in, they gave me no hope in surviving. My precious Christian mom told the doctors, You do all you can do and my God will do the rest! I had suffered a brain hematoma- TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) and I was hemorrhaging badly. By this time my brothers and sisters began arriving at the hospital to receive the horrible prognosis. We, my brothers and sisters have always been very close and tight knit. This was very traumatizing to them. Then the prayer chains began, literally from all over the world. There is a scripture that says, I will Live and Not die and I will Declare the works of the Lord! I had emergency brain surgery and was in ICU in a coma for a few days until I finally came out of it. When I came out of the coma, I was not able to walk or talk. I needed help going to the bathroom and remembering names and places. At the age of 25 years old, I had to re-learn everything just like a child. I had to re-learn how to walk, talk, eat all over again. I was put in an intensive rehab program of physical, occupational and speech therapy as well as counseling. The God WE serve is a God of second chances. The bible says, For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you HOPE and a FUTURE. - Jeremiah 29:11 Remember- With God ALL things are POSSIBLE! As Christmas was quickly approaching, I sat in the hospital all alone and I asked myself, Who is going to love me? I cant walk. I cant talk. I cant do anything on my own. Then bible verses I had learned as a child came to my mind and heart. God Promised me that HE would NEVER leave me nor forsake me. He Promised, Ruben, you can do ALL things through Christ who Strengthens you! If God be for you, who can be against you? God loved me and I was more than enough. I recalled that God loved me, Ruben Torres, that He had sent His only Son to die for me. TODAY, I CELEBRATE LIFE 22 years later. I thank God for giving me a second chance to live and not die. God put a calling, a gift in my heart to take His message of HOPE, LOVE and INSPIRATION to people ALL over the world. This is why for the last 20 years I travel All over Impacting, Inspiring, Influencing and Instilling HOPE and PURPOSE to the masses Worldwide! And you know what? I am just gaining speed 22 years later!! 2015 will be My GREATEST YEAR EVER!! Millions will be Inspired, Healed, Saved, Set free by the Power if God!! My HOPE is in you Lord! I am a Miracle! God used my obstacles and turned them into opportunities to bring Him honor and glory. He took my stumbling blocks and turned them into stepping stones to go Higher with Him! He took the things I thought were setbacks and turned them into a setup for a much BIGGER and BETTER Future for me! WE are ALL Miracles!! God took my mess and made it a MESSAGE of Hope and Inspiration. He took my tests I faced and turned them into a TESTIMONY for His honor and glory. And finally, He took my trials and caused me to TRIUMPH! We are not promised tomorrow. TODAY, I am more than a Conqueror through Jesus Christ! Life is to be LIVED Fully TODAY!! Dont put off your DREAMS for tomorrow. Tell your loved ones you love them everyday. Dont put things off. Do them TODAY!! My prayer for you is that you find your purpose in Life. That you live a life of joy, peace, happiness, love and health. I pray that God would grant you all the desires of your heart. May ALL your DREAMS come true. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you HOPE and a FUTURE. - Jeremiah 29:11 God has an AWESOME HOPE and FUTURE for you! YES HE Does!!
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 04:50:30 +0000

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