I felt led to share a response, based on someones post that - TopicsExpress


I felt led to share a response, based on someones post that sounded like they were thinking that all this craziness going on around us is the beginning of the world coming to an end. We dont know the day, nor the hour that Jesus WILL return, but he never said we couldnt know the Season... Either way, we need to be ready! As far as the world, it will not end, but there will be big transitions. God WILL be Glorified! The question is where will We be? Are we truly living for Christ? Are we ready to die for our faith? We pray that all of us are living for Christ Jesus our Lord, so that one day we will hear the words, well done, my good and faithful servant. Our Glory be prayer says, a world without end. Many people make the mistake of saying the end of time or the end of the world, but the scripture says in Matt 28:19-20, Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the Age. (not time, or world) God is with us, but are we with Him? I sincerely believe what we are experiencing in our country is the culmination of our passive and weak attitude towards Radical Islam. This country is so caught up in Political Correctness, that we cant call a spade a spade. The enemy has his way all the time, because we cant even speak the Truth without attacks from those who have bought the LIE of the evil one, so we CHOKE! More people are worried about fitting in or being accepted than are worried about speaking Truth, or worried about the freedoms we have taken for granted for far too long. Remember the scripture, Prov 16:18 Pride comes before the fall... We must also be very aware of the Sin of Omission. We could have or should have said or done something, but we did Nothing... We are waaay too comfortable and dont even keep up with local, much less, world affairs, because we have been too self-centered, and dont ever think anything can happen to us. We let our guard down and Thats when things happen. How quickly we forget 9-11... We are in trouble and dont even see it! ISIS is in Ciudad Juarez!!! Hello? Thats the border with El Paso! With our borders being very porous, we dont even know how many have already come in. Government intelligence has stated that an attack is Immanent! Yet we so calmly say, oh, it wont happen to us. Oh, how I pray those who say that are correct. We need to stay vigilant and pray for this situation, and ask God for mercy and repent from any wrong doing... Individually, and as a Country. Eph 6:10-18 Brothers and Sisters, Im not being negative. I am crying out to you to pray and ask God about what I am saying. Ask sincerely, for the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you, then act on it. We love God, and Our trust and hope are in the Lord! Who or what are you placing your trust in? Family, Friends, Intelligence, Money, Power, Position? Or God? If you havent done so, we encourage you to place your trust in God, confess Jesus as Lord, and Live for Him and In Him... God bless you!
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 03:52:29 +0000

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