I fight Satan Daily myself Bow to HIM HELLL NO!I say HAHAHAHAAH - TopicsExpress


I fight Satan Daily myself Bow to HIM HELLL NO!I say HAHAHAHAAH SATAN HAHAHAHAH Mammon! I know Better Do it just cause they want us to, that is not the Me I am! Your all just willing to go to Hell for em go figure! NOT ME SAYS I! I am no fan at all of the Cain Monarchies of Europe the Little Horn that Daniel speaks so much about CAINITES - are the Satanic offsprings of the Serpent and Eve. A race of evil beings that exist on the Earth since the dawn of time. Their Father is literally Satan [thru Cain] and have from the beginning worked towards their Fathers ultimate goal which was to place a Son of the Royal Dragon-lineage upon the Throne of the World, his so-called Rex Mundi [King of the World], the Antichrist.In ancient Europe, Cainites became masters and bankers, imposing exorbiant taxes on the common-bloods whom they viewed as little more than cattle. They continue to grow rich thru the dividing and conquering of others, while they keep the masses unaware of who and what they truly are. Whatever land they migrated into, they soon controlled. When wars they caused to divide the land for gain, failed, they created and used religions to opress, every tactic of control was used and still used to this day.Todays European ruling Elite are all descended from Cain and this is precisely the reason that most Royal European blue-blooded lineages are kept pure to this day.It is Cainites who are truly behind every known and covert conspiracy while blaming the evil they actually cause upon the the Jews in Israel, Sethites - the True Sons of God. As Holy Jews do after their Father in Heaven, Cainites do the will of their Father in Hell and his will is the destruction of Zion and the death of every last Holy Sethite Jew, as well as destroying all of Gods Creation And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? Jesus: And he said unto them, I beheld Satan fallen as lightning from heaven. The Hebrew word for lightning, that flash of light in the sky, followed by thunder, is ba·raq, with the emphasis, when speaking, on the last syllable.19 Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall in any wise hurt you. The word antichrist is made up of two roots: αντί + Χριστός (anti + Christos). Αντί can mean not only against and opposite of, but also in place of,[3] Χριστός, translated Christ, is Greek for the Hebrew Messiah meaning anointed, and refers to Jesus of Nazareth[4] within Christian, and Messianic Jewish theology. We are on a slippery slope towards communism, the many communist agendas have been forcing America to move in that direction for far too long now, and we are facing a very grim future. The Rothschilds funded the communist manifesto. It was the Old Rothschild- and Rockefeller hands that controlled the Libertarian-Communist dialectic What we called the Illuminatis Brazil strategy was described in 1966 by two Marxist sociologists, Richard Cloward and Francis Piven. It involves bribing both individuals and corporations with fiat money. This ensures the bankers gain power and shackle the nation with debt. Add it up and youve got the perfect Marxist scheme all devised by Barack Hussein Obama using the Cloward-Piven Strategy. What will our lives be like under Communism? Is the the road we want to keep going down?Jesus is the Seed that will Crush the Serpents head:
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 00:15:11 +0000

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