I finally blogged again: Confession: I’ve been a manic - TopicsExpress


I finally blogged again: Confession: I’ve been a manic manifestor. I’ve been putting tons of forced effort into creating a reasonable and profitable version of something that resembles my soul’s desires. Yeah, I’m so sure that’s what my soul came to Earth to do. Be reasonable and make a profit. Yeah, how’s that working out for you Amy? Since you asked, its like I’m walking around with a layer of static electricity instead of skin. Like there is always something I should be doing, someone I should be talking to, something I should be saying. My bones are exhausted. When I went to Europe, my hope was that I would return with a great project and really solid knowing about who I am and what I could do that would best serve humanity. Yes, that did happen. But of course, not in the way I was expecting. Although an idea did come through while I was in Europe, I’ve actually been given something much more important: the relief that I’m not that big of a deal. Yes, Im beautiful, unique and divine, and I dont have to do anything about it. Because of this, years of tension have fallen off of my body and I’m allowing myself to actually be who I am. So for now my practice and service is actively choosing the things that light up my soul, even if they don’t make sense. When I say “light up my soul”, it means that my body feels the perfect combination of expansive, excited and relaxed. So, if I stop trying to be the next Marianne Williamson, what do I do instead? I surrender to the unknown. And here is what the unknown has made known: we need to remember our connection, to ourselves, our spirit and each other. And we need a new form of leader. Leaders who are not driven by profit and reason. Perhaps you will join me in what could be new form of “spiritual leadership”: People who normalize spirituality/connection. People who are leading their “normal” lives actively aligned with their souls. In other words, people who have the courage to put down the drama and comfort of separation. What would happen if I drop the story that says “I’m so spiritual” and was psyched about being human? What if instead of living in the world, we all started to live for the world? Maybe this new generation of “spiritual leader” doesn’t have a “spiritual business”. They don’t give lectures, or teach yoga classes. Maybe this new spiritual leader simply and courageously lives knowing we are all divine; and not just when we are on a retreat meditating. What if when we are out in the world, we act in a way honors everyone as OUR teacher. Instead of saying “I could really teach them something” what if you realize they are teaching you? Let’s celebrate the subtle miracles happening in every moment and share our most vulnerable selves in a relevant way. Maybe your version of leading is writing content for a software company and pouring love into every word. Maybe you acknowledge the incredibly beautiful human being you are speaking with every time you answer a call at the insurance company. Maybe every latte you make is full of divine love from your own heart. Perhaps you pick up your kids from school and give meaningful compliments to every teacher or parent you see. What if instead of constantly searching for validation from the world around you, YOU start validating everyone in your world? Instead of saying LOOK HOW SPIRITUAL I AM, you say to the person in front of you at the grocery store “I can see your amazing spirit”. If you want to change the world, do not underestimate the power of doing it as a “normal human”. Lets stop putting the change agents on a pedestal, and let our raw and honest humanity be a catalyst for transformation. So that’s where I am. Dancing at the edge of the vast unknown. Thank you for reading, for commenting, for replying. Love, Amy
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 16:38:59 +0000

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