I finally did it....and Im still alive to talk about it. There - TopicsExpress


I finally did it....and Im still alive to talk about it. There was a woman in WalMart with her cart blocking the entrance to an aisle while she stood there (you guessed it) yakking away on her cell phone. People who wanted to get something on that aisle were having to go down the neighboring aisle and come in on the other end. Several people were talking in hushed tones about how rude she was being and I agreed with them in a nice LOUD voice saying, Some people think the world revolves around them and are too rude and inconsiderate of others to get out of the way while they yammer on the phone! Several people gasped, my mother acted mortified, some little kid said yeah!....and the woman was OBLIVIOUS! So I just walked right up to her, tapped her on the shoulder and said Would you mind not blocking the entrance to this aisle while you talk on the phone? She looked at me as if I were an escaped mental patient (little did she know, I am..LOL!) and said People can go around. I said People dont want to and shouldnt have to go around...kindly move your cart she didnt budge soooo......I grabbed her cart and moved it myself (at this point my mother was about to crawl under a shelf) People applauded...but rather than look embarrassed or ashamed the woman called me an unmentionable name, to which I responded That may well be Mam, but at least Im one with manners. I got checked out and to my car without getting arrested or accosted (by the cart lady). My mother is still shaking her head and saying, Your mouth is gonna get you killed one day... Shes probably right but I have just HAD IT with these people and their cell phones!!!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 21:56:42 +0000

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