I finally got the answer to many of my scientific questions. It - TopicsExpress


I finally got the answer to many of my scientific questions. It was an article from an astronomer; yes a scientist, from a Bible Belt university. I was excited with the prospect of actually reading about science from the perspective of a Christian scientist (no pun intended....). Finally! But then I read on. Obviously, anyone that believes in evolution (The theory of for gawds sake!) is an atheist Oh-oh! So much for my claim of wearing two hats. I always thought I was a Christian, though anything but a conservative or fundamentalist Christian. Now I have been told by a scientist that I an atheist. Honestly, I never knew….. When I read on I realized that when he suggested that all the answers about the Bible and biology would be answered by other Christian scientists; not atheist like me, I was a bit disappointed. My hope was that there would actually be a discussion about points in the Bible that the majority of scientists (95% to 98% globally) who agree global warming and evolution are a fact, could find some solace in, perhaps some comfort for the many scientists that are so-called Christians like me. Nope. Ain’t gonna’ happen. No agreement or common ground here. Oh well. One can always dream. Oh, I did find some entertaining notes on science that some of my scientific colleagues that are not Christians, but atheists like me (No really. I never knew!) might enjoy. Enjoy! clarifyingchristianity/science.shtml
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 19:27:50 +0000

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