I finally know where the phrase “puppy-love,” comes from! And - TopicsExpress


I finally know where the phrase “puppy-love,” comes from! And let me tell ya . . . it was love at first sight! I’m keeping a friends tea-cup poodle that is full of sass, personality, and primped out to the nines! Oliver took one look at her and hasn’t been able to take his eyes off her since she was dropped off! She has her own little fluffy princess blanket to sleep on, so I put Oliver on the bed with me and her blanket in the floor beside of the bed. He sleeps last night with his head hung over the edge so that he can look at her sleeping all night long! He’s protecting of her too . . . I let them out to do their business and he keeps her from going too far out in the yard. Then if that wasn’t enough . . . I lay her blanket by the sofa so that she can watch tv with us. . . . And yes, dogs love to watch tv! I don’t even exist!! All of a sudden, I AM NOBODY TO HIM!!! Oliver has been known to fill his mouth up with food, take it to his seat and drop it out, then eat a piece here and there while watching television. I just now catch him filling his mouth, walking over to her, where he laid out the food on her blanket! He then looks her deeply in the eyes, takes a couple of steps back, and sits down . . . not on her blanket, he’s being respectful of her territory! And, he’s just sitting there . . . WATCHING HER. His eyes are completely glued to her!! Tentative to her is putting it MILD! If both hadn’t been neutered and spayed, I might be worried that in nine weeks or so, we might have some Shih-poos running around! Yet, this whole experience with having Oliver a house guest for the week has got me to thinking . . . maybe Danny would have been more tentative, with his eyes filled with love, if I had neutered him a few years back, as well!! Just an observational thought, ya know!! Lol
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 01:00:40 +0000

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