I finally understand that Scotland has to vote Yes. In some - TopicsExpress


I finally understand that Scotland has to vote Yes. In some corners it has been about hating the English. But to most, it has been the frustration that the United Kingdom or Great Britain that we once knew, and which the No campaign tried honourably to remind of us of has long been a fiction. The United Kingdom is a deeply divided country, although not along the lines of nationality the SNP would demarcate. Namely we have two economies; financial services and the rest. The differences in income and wealth allocated to those who work in this sector without creating any value, does not sit easy with the rest of the country. We have two regions; London and the rest of the UK. We now have the greatest wealth inequality since the Edwardian times with no sign that the gap will not continue to grow. The strategic priorities of the government(s) have never been as far from those of the electorate as they have been over the last seven years. There has only been one story: tax and spend, cut taxes and spend less. Yawn. The Conservatives set up a system that ripped the societal fabric with the intention of creating a more prosperous country. To maintain it, when it clearly was failing, Labour oversaw the biggest redistribution of wealth in British history; not the creation of the welfare state, but when the tax payer was required to bail out the financial services industry. We, the electorate, have never been given a say in any of this, nor will we receive one. Decision making is too centralised into replicant career politicians who can promise whatever they like (Lib Dems on everything, Cameron on the Lisbon Treaty, Labour on fairness) and never be held to account. No political party has offered to change this in anyway. I no longer can see the values of the United Kingdom (whatever they might have been) displayed by anyparty in Westminster. If I had the opportunity to change it, I would. If I had the opportunity to break away from it and start something new, I would. So Scotland, you should vote Yes. I am not endorsing the SNP. They are both Nationalist and Socialist, an historically ugly combination. They have lied to Scotland and intimidated those who hold differing opinions. Many Yes voters hate them too. And Scotland will suffer terribly from independence in the short run. The EU, the financial markets and many others are lining up to give them a good kicking. But Scotland will be lighting the fuze of a seismic change in the redistribution of power to those most effected by the decisions. No wonder the EU fears them. This will spread to England and Wales and with the cat out of the bag we will whip the Tories and Labour and return decision making to where it is needed: locally. Scotland! Do it for Britain! Vote Yes!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 10:21:36 +0000

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