I find it aggravating that every time I open yahoo or another page - TopicsExpress


I find it aggravating that every time I open yahoo or another page that has current headlines today, one of the headlines is about how the pope, as part of an effort to shed its image as an enemy of science , has said that the big bang theory and evolution are not at odds with Christianity. This is old news. The church made the mistake of persecuting Galileo 370 years ago, and ever since church haters have used that to paint the church as the enemy of science. The church - specifically the Catholic Church - invented the university. For generations, it was impossible to receive an education except through the church. The big bang theory was ORIGINALLY PROPOSED by a Catholic priest, for crying out loud. I’m serious. Look up fr. georges lemaitre on wikipedia. He also was the first to introduce the idea of an expanding universe, a theory which Einstein originally rejected, but it is widely accepted today. The Catholic Church, with only a few unfortunate exceptions throughout history, has always taught that faith and reason are inseparable, and essential to each other. It is nothing new for a pope to say that evolution and Christianity do not disagree. Pope Pius XXII said it plainly 65 years ago. To literally believe in a 5000 year old earth that was created in seven 24 hour days, real talking snakes, the formation of man from clay, the formation of woman from man’s actual rib, is to violate our God-given common sense. The strange thing is that nobody within mainstream Christianity took Genesis literally until the late 1800s, which is when fundamentalist Christianity first came around. I’m sorry, fellow Christians, if this bugs you, but it’s true. Fundamentalist Christianity is a modern invention, whose erroneous tenets were fueled by the scopes monkey trial, and since then in order to be called a proper American Christian, we have to believe that God is a magician, who violates his own laws of physics whenever he feels like it. And the sneering, smirking, puerile, hate-filled Bill Mahers of the world have all the ammunition they need to attack Christianity at large because of it. So just so you know, if you’re Catholic, you do not have to divorce yourself from your power of reason. I’m getting off my soapbox now, thanks.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 23:27:29 +0000

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