I find it distasteful to read and hear Muslims academics and daee - TopicsExpress


I find it distasteful to read and hear Muslims academics and daee in UK and America constantly referring to the western government as Our Government! And have even read so called Muslim organisation calling the western armies Our Boyz! Although on face value it is not prohibited as technically the British Government is the Government for all in Britain (and similar take on America and all other nation states) but there is a need to differentiate and not confuse our sense of belonging, loyalty and identity. I believe many Muslim writers, academics and duat unconsciously playdown the danger of implicitly pushing a strong affinity, closeness and intimacy to the British and American governments. Our identity is Muslim whether we live in Britain or any other country and what defines our identity is our Islamic values. Our residence or visit to any country does not mean we integrate to the values that do not emanate from Islam eg nationalism, freedom, kingship or democracy. Our loyalty is our wala and our allegiance and this is to Allah SWT, to His Book, to His Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) and to the leaders of the Muslims (Khalifah and those he appoints and including our ulemah) and the general Muslim Ummah. Hence our loyalty does not lie with David Cameron of UK, al-Sisi of Egypt or Abdullah of Saudi. Our belonging is the wish of our hearts. That is to be residents of Dar al-Islam in this life and to be placed in al-Jannah in the next. So in this life our eyes witness the Justice of Islam (eg al-nafaqa, al-hudood) and our hearts is attached to the symbols of Islam (eg the masajid, azhan). Hence there should be a sense of passion, zeal and eagerness to establish and to live under Islam and its Justice, and sense of hatred, disgust and abhorrence to live under Kufr and its Oppression.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 13:14:12 +0000

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