I find it fascinating the arguments for and against Obamacare. I - TopicsExpress


I find it fascinating the arguments for and against Obamacare. I wonder how many know the real title of the Health Care Act? Probably some know it is called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. How many actually read or even researched the Act? There too the answer is probably some. I read the law as best I could find it. It took weeks. I found some sections hard to understand, yet I understood its purpose, especially its politics. I agree the Health Care system needs an overhaul and preexisting conditions should not be held against any client. However, the manner by which it will be paid for resembles a ponzi scheme. Though it has fees and fines (The Supreme Court declared these TAXES even as our President declared they werent), the law itself will only be sustainable if millions of young healthy people enroll. Not unlike the Social Security Fund and Medicaid Fund, this act has no guarantees for future generations. Yesterday, the Obama spokespersons blamed the insurance companies for millions of WORKING Middle-Class people losing their coverage. Let us recall when the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was being debated. First, it was titled the Affordable Health Insurance Act and was changed to its present title when the liberals became opportunists, changing the wording of Health Insurance to Care and adding Patient Protection. Instead of regulating the Insurance industry, the democrats regulated the people with mandates and threats of fines and fees, forcing every citizen to buy a product. In my own circumstance and from what I have read, the promise that those of us with insurance will be able to keep it is a lie. Last October, the company my husband works for was informed by Anthem that the policies they provided did not meet the laws criteria. Therefore, a new plan was offered. His company chose to go to a cheaper provider. Our cost per month and deductions went up 27%. The care my husband has received has been done on the cheap due to United Health Cares interpretation of the regulations. Congress passed the law but it is the executive branch which writes the regulations. Which leads to some other points. The law was passed only by the Democrats who most have stated did not read the law. However, only half the regulations for the law has been written. Yet most of the regulations written are burdensome on both the patient and care provider. Are the regulations forthcoming the same? Then there is the fact the Obama Administration incorporated the Insurance industry ideas when writing the bill. So was not the law written in such a manner as to allow insurance companies to cancel individual policies and force employers to change providers or worse encourage their employees to enroll in exchanges provided by either the state or federal government, allowing the insurance companies to continue their management of health care with a profit while the exchanges enrollment grows, providing the democrats with an optic of success? If the exchanges are so great why then are federal employees, senators, congresspeople and the president not participants? And too, if the congress does enroll why do they receive subsidies no other taxpayer will receive? When the great debate occurred in 2009, the democrats argued 14 million people were not insured and it was a right that they be insured. The 9 to 15 million individual taxpayers and the employees who are having policies cancelled or changes in providers, eventhough they were satisfied and guaranteed by the president this would not happen, are they not as important as those 14 million the democrats professed to be looking after? And too, when the employee mandate goes into affect how many will lay employees off or stop providing insurance? The facts are it would be economically prudent for companies to do so. Would not it be more effective had the federal government just regulated the Insurance industry, lessening government intrusion and the growth of government dependency while the middle class dwindles and a woman stops in a McDonalds drive through, spills her coffee, sues the company and receives millions for her clumsiness.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 15:49:56 +0000

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