I find it interesting that George Bushs presidency was highlighted - TopicsExpress


I find it interesting that George Bushs presidency was highlighted by the bombing of the Twin Towers, and he did and said a few things that made people chuckle. He wasnt the greatest political strategist by a long shot and many called him a goofball (plug in your own word), but he wasnt attacked personally by his own people. Many of his policies were, though, so dont get me wrong. All in all, Bush is really a nice guy and I have never heard a single word bad mouthing his wife. Barrack Obama followed Bush to the presidency by a wide margin of votes by people who actually believed in him. No one can fault the intention of the voters in 2008 and 2012. Now, after 5 years of turmoil, look what has happened to this country. Its disgraceful. People literally call Obama a liar, a socialist, and a myriad of other unpleasant names, and theyre holding nothing back by slamming his wife in the process. Again disgraceful. Perhaps Im too old school and feel that every president should be supported regardless of what party affiliation he has. I want every president to succeed. Unfortunately, our present one cannot, at least not in my opinion. Obama carries a personality flaw that he cannot defend - lack of character. Never before has the leader of this nation created so much hostility and resentment, and in the wake of it all he refuses to take responsibility. That, my friends, is a lack of leadership, and leadership is what this country sorely needs at this place in time.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 22:15:32 +0000

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