I find it to be beyond disrespectful when a woman tells me I look - TopicsExpress


I find it to be beyond disrespectful when a woman tells me I look like the type to only like white women. When a woman says that I tend to first ask what makes you believe that? Then theyll respond by saying The way you dress, you talk very proper, and youre well put together. The reason I find this to be disrespectful is simply because you are telling me that because Im well put together that I wouldnt want a well put together woman of color as if you dont deserve a man of that caliber as if they are too good for you that you feel they would only talk to a white woman. The concept is bs honestly in my opinion because I dont like white women and I dont like a woman of color that doesnt know her worth. If she had known her worth then she would know that she wouldnt accept any man below the well put together standard because shell only want someone that can offer the same or more then what she can offer him. I want my black queen that understands where her thrown is in my heart.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 04:03:01 +0000

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