I find myself saying awww maaaannnnn.... just like Swiper to - TopicsExpress


I find myself saying awww maaaannnnn.... just like Swiper to people in conversation. Its getting to be embarrassing. Hey WAIT A MINUTE, I FIGURED OUT WHAT THE FOX SAYS! Swiper is a FOX and he SAYS aaaaaaaawwwwwww maaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnn. He also says youll never find it now.. Im thirsty but already in bed. Took the kids to the square and let them play and read snow stories. Ironically it was in the 50s. Alex had a meltdown. He goes to bed at 6:30 in Wintertime. I had him out late. No complaints here about that. I am past Christmas now and impatiently awaiting Spring. I love how Spring smells. I HATE wearing pantyhose. I love stretching my legs after getting them off. And scratching. They are so itchy. I hate being itchy. Prob because I havr reactions so much. This is probably pretty boring to read. Sorry. I have so many presents to wrap. Ray hates wrapping so I always end up doing it myself. The first hours presents look all pretty and sparkly but then they look all jacked up. One year I ran out of tape and was like screw it I am going with the duct tape. That was impulsive because no one could get them open on Christmas morning. I lose patience. 4 kids. Do you know how many presents I wrap? sigh. Could be worse things to do I suppose. I have to buy a car. I spend months researching these decisions. I spend HOURS picking out a vacuum. I hate it. I HATEE IT. I go to 8 dealerships to compare prices. It took me 2 weeks to come up with 8. I decided 7 was too few and 9 was excessive. I have 3 down. The vehicle I want is 40,000. It hurts to type that. I need something that will seat my team of 6. Like one of those Amish vans. I refuse to buy a mini van. Wont happen. Anyway...40,000!!!! The Kia was 35,000. Sigh. Cars are so expensive. I could get another degree for that. I complained to one of the poor men that I talked to. I asked how people can pay 40,000 for something that will last them maybe 10 years and have a resale value a fraction of the price. He paused. I seriously think the Amish got it. Horses and buggies. Green. No electric cars,no outlets, just feed and care for the horse. Scratch that- pay someone to feed and care for the horse. It HAS to be cheaper than 40,000. Okay. Now I have REALLY bored you. I went to Target in Aurora today to return Abbies dress that was too big. Woman treated me like a criminal. I had my receipt. Dropped off more pills for Alex at Bissell. Took Ayvree to and from preschool. Got lost driving around Ethans Green. Like really lost. All those streets look the same. Ray brought me my water. Hes pinching me because the clicks from my keyboard are keeping him up. No I will not go to another room (I was here first) So goodnight.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 02:28:15 +0000

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