I find myself thinking of, well, worrying about the state of this - TopicsExpress


I find myself thinking of, well, worrying about the state of this remarkable country we live in a lot these days. I cant help but wonder where our core values have shifted to, and how politics and greed now seem to drive the ship of state. I see other parts of the world that seem to be dealing with the issues of our times better than we are. And I see a spoiled sense of entitlement here that disrespects the blood shed that blesses this unique day. Despite public protest,we lack the strength of will to stop the sale of out country to foreign interest and the dilution of our job pool to the god of Walmart pricing. We allow US companies to suck our dollars by manipulating the job market to foreign countries who at some point will turn out debt against us. We dont take care of our own needy, we allow our youth to skate through mediocre education, we dont maintain our own infrastructure. I could go on, so much wrong. But I simply cant avoid the impression that we have grown fat, lazy and careless. At some point we have to pay the piper. Will it be in blood when an enemy decides we are to weak to defend ourselves, Or in dollars. We can reclaim our jobs, but you might pay a bit more for your lifestyle. Then again, our lifestyles are so wasteful that we could adjust without pain. We simply have to regain our commitments to ourselves, our country, our less fortunate. We have to reclaim the values that made this social experiment unique, We need to find leaders with the balls to stand up to Wall street, banks, military socio interests. Its tough to be bold and compassionate at the same time, but it has to be done. There is going to be blood. Will it be green or red.
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 14:31:04 +0000

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