I find this interesting because I have friends who believe all - TopicsExpress


I find this interesting because I have friends who believe all this is much ado about nothing and that Gruber didnt mean what he said and now Nancy Pelosi says she never heard of him although she lauds him back in 2009. Please, please hear me here. Im not a Republican nor a Democrat; I am conservative and I am Christian and I do not care for what is happening in our nations capital. With very few exceptions I dont think they really care for the common people and I dont think they know what they are doing. I do not like the Democrats because they seem to think that big government is the answer to everything nor the Republicans because they all too often ignore the plight of the poor. Both parties do little to actually help the poor. They only subsidize them and not educate them to be able to be productive members of society. They give out fish but never teach them how to fish. All too many who receive are all too content to not work and simple let the government take care of them. I for my part think that the larger part of our government is lying to us and are mostly just taking care of themselves. As who ever heard of having a job that you do once and you get paid for life. Where was the media when Congress passed that into law and how come Congress doesnt have the same health care system that the rest of us have to live with. Capitalism without morals and compassion breeds corruption and oppression. Communism brings oppression in the name of fairness so that all sharealike, but not all contribute alike so its never ever fair. Religious extremism brings intolerance and judgementalism. Thats why the Bible actually teaches that each is free to choose God or reject Him and that as a man sows that shall he also reap. It also teaches to lend to the poor and help the poor to become self sufficient but, it also teaches that those who will not work shall not eat. OK so thats my rant. Some of you will like it; some of you will hate it and some couldnt care less. Buts thats my say. I know its worth little but thats my perspective.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 20:33:50 +0000

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