I find this picture to be very interesting because it encompasses - TopicsExpress


I find this picture to be very interesting because it encompasses many years of my life. I became politically involved during the bank bailouts and have worked my way through all of these items, learning about each one as I went and wondering how in the world such evil has crept into our society and asking who was coordinating it all? The endless debt from the Fed/IRS frauds…Agenda 21…Obamacare…NDAA (which I thought was the biggest evil of all)…domestic spying on innocent citizens from our own govt…indoctrination of “hate speech” from liars like ADL…the gun grabs from all of the Zionists who own our Congress/Senate/WH through their lying organization (AIPAC)…drones and false flag events from the Mossad/CIA/NSA clan…Cultural Marxism/Communism that controls our govt/schools/towns…and the horrific wars for Israel that murder our boys so they can get richer. I have been so fortunate to meet many liberty fighters across the nation who understand these things and fight against them but some who still don’t realize *who* is behind all of the chains that tie us down. I’ve come a long ways since I first got involved and I’ve learned more than I ever have in my lifetime but it hasn’t been easy. I’ve been called more bad names than most can imagine, I’ve been ostracized and accused of being “anti-American” when I point out things like our soldiers fighting in wars for the military industrial complex or how our foreign policy has evolved into something that is horrible. The hardest has been since I returned from Tampa in 2012 and began to research the *who* behind it all. I haven’t taken this task lightly. I have been researching for over 2 years now and every single nefarious act that has harmed our nation, from the inside, has been done by those who run Israel and they are Ashkenazi Jews (from Khazar). Every single gun bill passed…every single war we’ve fought (with the exception of the American Revolution which I believe was the only one worthwhile)…every part of our current society that is broken…every public blasphemy to God…all of the fiat/fake money that the world kills each other over…down to the hardest pill to swallow which is how all of the ‘isms’ (communism/fascism/socialism/etc.) are winning over the world. My journey now takes me away from politics and more onto the work that God expects me to do. I will keep fighting with those, very few, liberty Patriots who get all of this but I do not care how many of the masses try to call me crazy. It is my duty to stand up for the truth and I will never stop doing that. This last stage of my waking up process has been the most difficult when liberty friends have called me names like, “Anti-semite” and have stopped wanting to work with me. Why?...because I am a history lover who has spent hundreds of hours researching the truth? Why?…because history proves that the only “Semites” in the mid-east are the ones who were there long before the Ashkenazi political power stole their land away? The label is a complete joke and anyone using it shows their naivety and lack of knowledge. The “anti-semite” label is used by Ashkenazi organizations such as the ACLU and ADL and it means nothing to me. I remember watching the documentary, “Agenda: Grinding America Down” and really wanting to know how all of the Communistic methods of destruction of our nation had been carried out and coordinated…now, I know how it has been done and *who* has been behind all the evil destruction. I pray that more and more Americans wake up to the reality of this because we will continue facing the erosion of our liberties and the collapse of our, once great, nation and it will only get worse but I can tell you how liberating it is, once, the truth is uncovered. I am happy to answer any questions or to help people with their research on uncovering this evil. I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. (Revelations 2:9) God Bless!
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 00:27:27 +0000

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