I finished High School in !9 57. It was myself , Kathleen Turner, - TopicsExpress


I finished High School in !9 57. It was myself , Kathleen Turner, Gary Vardy ,Elvie Woolridge And Walter woolridge. I went to work that summer for Mr Jack Reid , who was working as foreman on the spreader It had wings on it that would open up and in the summer it was used for ditching. we worked almost all over the island that summer.. It was used in the winter for snow clearing. I was cookee that summer also. I was only seventeen that summer and I couldnt pour myself a cup of tea let alone cook. It wasnt too bad because we only had eighteen men. We had one cook who wouldnt cook for a pig farm. He made bread one morning and he threw a loaf of bread at me to catch to see how light it was. It dam near broke my two arms. The cook got sick one week and had to go home for a few days. Mr Reid told me that i had to look after the kitchen but he would put Nelson Cumby [Senior[ to help me. He was a wonderful help. I asked him what we would have for supper because i thought he was going to do the cooking but he said I was supposed to do it and he had the biggest grin on his face you ever saw. I told him that I never had a clue about cooking and he said not to worry about it that he would help. he said we would have macaroni and cheese. He told me to put the macaroni in the pot and boil it for two hours. I did that and when I took the cover off the pot after two hours we could have papered every wall on the west coast. It was like porridge and every once in awhile you would hear the big blurp. I knew the difference when i saw it. I guess nelson Is still Laughing. I made peasoup and Nelse told me how to make what they call spoon doughboys . I looked after a few minutes and no doughboys. They were all gone to the bottom and we could have used them for ballast. Cooking wasnt my forte. Myself and nelson had a few good laughts over the years about our cooking experience. It worked out because noone got poisoned and they never went hungry because Nelson was a good cook but he was a better joker.
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 16:09:09 +0000

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