I finished the carving and I examined it closely...I did not want - TopicsExpress


I finished the carving and I examined it closely...I did not want any leaks, not at this stage. Leaving the waxen vessel on my work bench I move towards the sand pit. The sand has to be moist and yet dry enough to pack the inside as well as the outside of the vessel. This I did as I pulled some of the sand out of its place in the floor to form a pocket. Going back to the table I gently picked up the wax image of the cauldron and brought it to the sand. I place the bottom of the vessel into the hole and nodded to myself. It needed to be deeper. Removing it I again pulled sane out to make room. After doing this a few times I was satisfied. I then rose once more and got my bucket and filled it with water from the barrel. With this I returned to the sand. By hand I poured water into the hole. The sides the bottom were wet to the point where they could be compacted around the vessel. Picking up the wax vessel I looked at it carefully once more making sure there were no dents nor weak points. It was placed gently into the whole than the moved sand was slowly poured around the outside to firm up the sand holding the sides of the cauldron in place. I then poured sand into the open center of the vessel..slowly but firmly I made sure all was solid. I added a little water to make sure nothing would shift as I pour the molten metal into the mold. with my finger I pocked holes in the sand for the metal to enter the mold properly. I sat back on my hunches for a moment thinking. How was she going to retrieve this pot of hers? Shrugging I rose and went to the fire pit. My hand automatically reaching for the handle. I pumped air into the fire for a short time bringing the crucible to a red orange glow. aye it was ready...hopefully it will be but one pour or I would have to do all of this again. Donning my heavy gloves, I reached for the O grippers. This I fitted around the rim of the crucible closing it tightly. Wiping my brow but once, then slowly firmly I lifted the glowing vessel turning ever slow gently then moving to the sand. I was careful of this pour for I saw a man once trip on a tool and fall...his chest and face were encased in the melted metal. His scream echoed still to this day in my head. For he was was my mentor. My mind returned to the task at hand and I approached the sand. I stood over the cauldron my eye watching the metal and where I must pour. Slowly...slowly I tipped the crucible and let the hot molten liquid flow. It hit the hole I made and smoke began to rise as it hisses and ate the wax like so much soup. I could not stop the pour until the crucible was empty. I moved to the second and third hole pouring smoothly. After what seemed to be an eternity the metal was poured. I returned the hot vessel to a staging area next to my pit to cool for if it cooled to fast the thing would shatter. I replace my O ring grippers and then went to the sand. My hand hovering just above the sand. I could feel the heat. Satisfied I left it to cure. checking the pit I made sure the excess ash was removed and the fires banked for now. Exiting the forge I stand there with cloth in hand. Dipping it into the barrel I washed the sweat and grime from my face and hands. Rubbing its coolness across the back of my neck. My eye watched my steed munching and his sweet grass content in his own way. I heard a rumble coming from the sky and looked up. Clouds were gathering, storm comes I thought as I sniffed the air. My Horse also looked up and surveyed his surroundings. He sensed it too. Something was coming, not just the rain but something else was on the currents of the air. He pawed the ground in challenge and snort. He reared up his great body his powerful legs extending and striking the air about him. I saw this and know the signs. Reentering the forge I moved swiftly to where I placed my sword and shield. I had a feeling I would be needing this soon enough. I returned to the entrance to the smithy and placed them close at hand inside of the door. My Black beauty had returned to the entrance as well he turned and look outward his ears pushed forward. We were ready for what would come.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 20:55:26 +0000

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