I first got to know that Bhut Phila Nkayi (Mkhulewa as Bongani - TopicsExpress


I first got to know that Bhut Phila Nkayi (Mkhulewa as Bongani Gxilishe made all of us to call him) has resigned from the Eastern Cape Legislature, as an ANC Member of Provincial Legislature (MPL) from Bhut Sicelo Fayo’s post a few days ago. I got confirmation of this from Mkhuluwa himself earlier this evening. Although this was to be expected I was nonetheless still taken aback. Our struggle for freedom has been a beautiful journey just as much as the destination is. At least in many ways. Mkhuluwa is the personification of everything pure and good about the struggle and its products. No one who knows him well can deny that he has always been immensely committed, humane, humble and dedicated to the cause, this country and its people more than we can say about many of us in our movement today. His life is the epitome of the struggle as it was waged inside the country. Underground work, prison, trade union work, working with student formations and being the pillar of broad community struggles in Grahamstown and all over the province. Mkhuluwa has been there and done it all. To this day, he bears the scars of the brutality of the enemy’s resolve to break the resistance of a people’s movement. In the end no amount of torture and persecution could break his spirit. Here is someone, despite the immense suffering, his gift and a deep understanding of the theory and practice of the national democratic struggle, who has ever demanded leadership positions, limelight or anything remotely related to these. Despite being a repository of ideas and a well of wisdom for many a cadre of the movement to draw strength from, Bhut Phila has, to my recollection, never occupied a senior position. Even in a democratic South Africa, Mkhuluwa has continued his love for working amongst communities directly. More often than not crisscrossing the province of the Eastern Cape by hitch hiking, even as he was an MPL. How many in the leadership today can take a taxi in the course of performing their political tasks? Not me. It is perhaps this disposition away from the lime light and an unassuming character that has resulted in many of us taking Mkhuluwa for granted. We have abused him, made sure he receives as little recognition as possible as a cadre of the movement and even suggested that his days in detention and prison have affected his mental faculties. How is it that this silent giant of our movement has served the ANC in the Eastern Cape Legislature for over 15 years (if my memory serves me well) in a single committee, without ever being promoted. In case you think, this is a reflection of richness of the cadre quality the movement is boasting. Far from it, the legislature is the playground of absolute new comers, not just in the legislature but to our struggle in its entirety. Off course, many of these new comers have been assigned position of responsibilities that makes them Mkhuluwa’s leaders. What a shame. I didn’t ask Bhut Phila’s reasons for resigning from the legislature. I made my own inference. He was preserving his dignity. That is how I choose to view his resignation. I am sure of two things though. He harbours no grudge against any in the leadership and he has no resentment for the movement. There is one more thing. Mkhuluwa is not the type to seat around and idle. He is someone who will work for the revolutionary cause and the movement, anyway he can, until the last day of his beautiful life. That’s guaranteed. I salute Bhut Phila Nkayi. His is my leader, my mentor and had been a source of inspiration and strength during the toughest days of struggle for freedom in this country. I am glad our paths crossed in 1985.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 20:17:51 +0000

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