I first heard this beautiful gospel song in the late 70s. I was so - TopicsExpress


I first heard this beautiful gospel song in the late 70s. I was so moved by it then I couldnt help but tear up. Over the years here and there Id hear it again. Each time I heard it I would tear up again. My passion was to sing. My brother bought me a Karaoke machine in Japan long before they became popular here. I cant recall where I was but I found a cassette tape for a Karaoke machine with this song on it. I wore that tape out singing this song. When my mother passed at 94 years of age she was living in Ga. Id been in a near fatal car accident and no longer was able to care for her. In parts of Ga. one doesnt need to be embalmed. Most all her friends and family lived here in WV. We decided to have her buried next to my brother rather than fly her body here. With most of her friends and family living here we had a small graveside service. Mother loved music and Liked for me to sing to her. Not having a memorial service I felt horrible there was no music. I asked the pastor if I could sing a song. I felt it was the last thing I would ever be able to do for my mother. I knelt down and took her by the hand. I recall how odd it felt as the warmth of my hand was warming up mother;s. It felt like she was alive,but sleeping. I sang this song to her in the first person. That was the last time I was able to sing. When I would start to sing my voice was raspy,would sound crackly,etc. I later learned I have a rare auto-immue,neuromuscular disease called,Myasthenia Gravis. I thought all the cassette tapes I had of myself singing had been destroyed in storage damage years ago. About a year ago I saw a box in one of the corners of one of my closets. I didnt know it was there much less what was in it. Evidently when I moved here one of those helping me must have put it there and forgot to tell me. It was full of cassette tapes,but none had any labels on them. Ive listen to a few here and there for tapes that might have song on one of myself and now deceased brother singing together. I found several,but took months and months to listen to some,but I have yet to hear all the box contained. I found a person who is going to transfer them from cassettes to Cdss for me.Its taken weeks to listen to all it will take possibly more weeks if I decide to listen to them all.The gentleman who is to convert the tapes to CDs needed to have them today. I still had two with no label on them to listen too. I was just about finished and I thought the tape had stopped because it appeared there wasnt anything left on it as the sound quit. I removed the tape and saw it was only half of the tape that played. A few others Id listened to had blank spaces,but once it ran more there was more music so I put this one back in and let it run. I was hoping to find more of my brother singing to send to two of his grandchildren who live in Brasil,but also admit was hoping Id find a few more of myself as well. I realize this sounds vain,but anyone who know the facts about MG and not whats on most sites on the web who understands what this horrible disease robs from those of us who have it know {especially if one of your passions was singing wouldnt consider it vanity} then as suspected music started playing again. My friend told me if there was anything on these blank spots he could restore them. I had mentioned I hoped to find this song and why. Can you believe the second time the music started it was me singing this gospel song I loved from the first time I heard it? So much so I wanted it played at my funeral service. After both my brother and myself having MG it being rare to start with when I learned the odds of siblings having it I decided to donate my body to medical science. My hope is because theyve yet to know the cause,etc.but while it has yet to be linked genetically it does appear in some families it does,but yet to be proven its a gene. Usually its aunt.niece,cousin-distant cousin,etc. Also,mothers who have it give birth and their baby does,as well. However,once the child is born they transfuse their blood and its okay. Again,very rare for siblings. Can you imagine how delighted in view of this at the last minute to find myself singing this song in view of this? Now Im hoping my friend finds the blank space has the part missing and is able to restore it so this song will be a complete one. Id be interested to know if any of you who may have time to listen to this version of Sheltered in the Arms of God feel the same emotions I do when I hear it,or is it just me? If it had this effect now that Im older I would understand,but it touched me when I was very young,and again,each time Ive heard it since then. God bless all of you and remember we are sheltered under His wings. Someday all of us will hear what this beautiful old gospel song is saying. Such a comfort to know now and then He is sheltering us.~
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 18:48:40 +0000

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