I forget that that not everyone has access to my page so here is - TopicsExpress


I forget that that not everyone has access to my page so here is my post. Pearl Drivers post about cats just disappearing and the comment she received was that they are taken to ranches in the area has got me to thinking. We at Jura have never been approached by anyone who wants us to adopt a cat but over the years we have many cats that suddenly appear, dropped off at our gate or around our place. Right now we have an orange cat that has been seen by several family members but will not come in. My best example may be Puff. My daughter in law was out walking along the driveway on a freezing late October day. Her dog ran over to sniff something and there was Puff. Barely old enough to be away from her mother there she was laying at the side of the driveway, so small that she fit in my one hand. For some reason she smelled really bad, horrible in fact and looked like she was already dead. Of course Puff came to live with us. It took weeks until she actually smelled like a cat again. We nursed her back to health and she was a wonderful family member. I have always wondered why she smelled so bad and I thought that maybe she had been tossed in a bag with her brothers and sisters along side of the road to die but managed to crawl out. Please do not accuse me of being dramatic but something terrible happened to this kitten before we found her and we will never know. Kittens do not just drop out of the sky onto someones driveway, someone left her somewhere and she made it to us. You know. if you dont want children then use birth control, same with your animals. They are not there for a short time to bring you some fuzzy happiness into your life, you take them, you take all the responsibility. Ranchers, Farmers and rural folks are not your dumping ground for unwanted pets. And you know what makes me feel sorry is that I am probably preaching to the choir on this. So, maybe before you give away a puppy or a kitten to just someone, might be the time you question who you are actually giving this animal too.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 21:11:43 +0000

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