I forgot how quickly the day goes by when you start school again! - TopicsExpress


I forgot how quickly the day goes by when you start school again! Yikes! This is basically how the day goes: 6:30am Wake up to alarm, hit snooze button a couple times, hope I dont hit the off button. 7:00am Get up, straighten up the dining/kitchen area, make a cup of coffee and drink it while getting breakfast ready. Attempt to keep kids in bed until there is room at the table. 7:30am Breakfast, followed by clean up and getting everyone dressed. 8:15am Kids play while I assemble school projects for the morning. If I get this done quickly, I cross a few other things off my to-do list before starting school. Getting mail ready to send out, making phone calls, fixing a toy, caring for the chickens, etc. 9am School starts. We begin with a Bible reading and group project. Right now were starting an Arizona based project, where two of the kids penpal lives. Then I give attention to each child separately for math, reading, and writing, while the others play quietly. Bahaha! Cross that out. I mean they play LOUDLY while we try to focus. 11am We wrap up most of school for the day and the kids watch a half hour of PBS while I prep lunch and drink my second cup of coffee while standing. Better not sit down or somebody will need something... 11:30am Lunch and cleanup of said meal. I try to get the past days dishes done now. 12:30pm Move on to next project or event. Each day of the week it is something different - a nature walk with specimen collection for nature journal, arrends, a play date with friends, a field trip, or a craft project, and sometimes a combination of the above. If we stay home there is reading from a chapter book (right now its The Hobbit) while the kids play Lego, more outdoor play, and another TV show or two. Collectively these activities range from 1-3 hours. Usually were ready to move on by 3:30pm. 3:30pm Kids help clean up. We started a chore chart where each kid is at least partially responsible for two chores each day, for which they get stickers for their chart. I know. Its a form of bribery. But I dont care. It gets chores done without whining and thats all that matters to me right now! lol 4:00pm I send the kids outside to play while I make supper... and finish their chores where they left off. 5:00pm Papa comes home and dinner is on the table. Then the kids usually go back outside while I clear the table and Papa gets a little quiet time to transition from work. I start thinking about what my evening project will be, and usually start picking away at it before I get the kids ready for bed. 6:00pm After sending the kids to bed late this summer, the three younger kids are ready to call it a night with the setting sun. We brush teeth and get pjs on. On a fairly regular basis Buddy stays up to work on his own project for another hour or two. 6:30pm Younger kids in bed. I dig into my evening project, usually involving a mix of picture editing, updating our facebook pages, emailing with people about family and business stuff, and research for school or business projects. Third cup of coffee drank while SITTING DOWN! Woo hoo! 7:30pm Buddy is in bed and the kids listen to Adventures in Odyssey. 8:30pm About three or four nights a week, if we arent super absorbed in some sort of project, Papa and I will watch a couple of TV shows, often while continuing whatever were working on. Sewing, crocheting, computer work, etc. I tend to wrap up my busy work by 9 or 9:30pm and sometimes fill it out with a video game on the phone :) 11pm Lights out!
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 00:57:12 +0000

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