I found myself walking into a magnificent court room one day. I - TopicsExpress


I found myself walking into a magnificent court room one day. I pushed open the large heavy un welcoming doors and made my way council by my side to the defendants table..defendants table? what did I do? Be seated. Boomed a voice from the front of the room it was thunderous and every word shook me from the inside out. I attempted to look up at this majestic being but failed every attempt. So I turned my attention to my attorney at my side. He looked familiar. From the prosecuting table came forth a handsome man well groomed in his late 30s wearing an extravagant suit and tie and dripping in gold and diamond jewelery. Very pleasing to the eye. Then he spoke. This defendant is guilty of thousands upon THOUSANDS of sins against Your Word!! My eyes lower. As he went on..and on..and on putting on display every wrong I had done, even wrongs that had only been thoughts never even carried out, I became overwhelmed with guilt shame and embarrassment. I looked toward the door that was engulfed in flames and toward the other that was filed in a glorious light. I knew what was happening. Then Satan pointed a once well manicured now an elongated warty finger with a ghastly claw at the One I could not look at and yelled, YOUR WORD says the punishment for these crimes is DEATH!!! I sunk in my chair and my head fell heavily into my hands. And as I was about to just rise and take a guilty plea to end the humiliation, my attorney gently touched my back and stood. My eyes followed Him. He spoke confidently, Father, may I speak? God spoke, you have the floor, My Son. my attorney, Jesus, went on, It is true that she is guilty of all the charges, and Your Word does sentence these crimes to death. But she has accepted my gift of life years ago. He looked over to the prosecutor who now looked a little tense. Her name is written in The Book Of Life. I have already taken care of the punishment by taking her place on the cross. She accepted and believed in me..Your Word says she will have ever lasting life. He walked back over and sat down beside me. I stared in complete awe of my Savior. Then the Almighty spoke. The penalty for these crimes has been paid in full. Case closed. Down came the gavel. That was it! Satan spat out a stream of curses and blasphemous language as My Lord escorted me to the heavenly door. I turned to look back at my Merciful Judge and I saw Love looking right back at me with a smile so warm I wept tears of joy.. The door I had first walked through opened and in came another, scared as I had been, and satan composed himself and smiled wickedly. This person was without council. I asked Jesus, have you ever lost a case He replied, I have never failed anyone who has asked me to represent them on this day.... The end :)
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 07:30:37 +0000

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