I found out that I was born from an incest. Yes, you read it - TopicsExpress


I found out that I was born from an incest. Yes, you read it right. My biological mother was raped by her father, and I was the result. Shes kept this from me for so long. Speechless. Im living my 19 years of existence with lies. My mother left me for her work abroad. I felt so alone. 3 weeks of agony. I break down everyday. Already consulted to a pschologist. I did even go to SWC. No one could help. I cant even attend morning classes anymore. Insomniac. Obviously, my studies are affected. I was also being buillied verbally by my classmates. It made me hate everyone. I hate the world. I cant tell anyone anymore. I fear I might be judged. But hes exempted. I told him everything. I open up my whole being. He accepted me. He was there all along. For almost a month of pain and agony, he never failed to be right by my side whenever I needed him. Whenever I burst my feelings out, he was there to calm me down. He stopped me from suicidal attempts and rest assured from furthermore. Ever since he became my light, I feared the dark. I began to fall for him. But hes told me hes in love, but not with me. He cheerfully tells me how he is so happy with her. Everytime he does that, my chest would suddenly experience sudden, intense pain. I cant take any of that longer. I told him how I felt about him. Though It never made him go away, I can see how awkward it is for him to stay the same with me. I can sense you really wanted to stay away from me, but you cant. You know I need you. You know I needed a hero, but no you dont want to be the one for me. My light is gone. What a cold world. Sometimes I wished my mother did aborted me since I was a product of incest. Im a burden. She couldve enjoyed her life only if I was not alive. I dont see any reason to be alive anymore. No one could understand me. Im wanting to say goodbye to my awful grades, to the one who left me crushed, and to my liar mom. Ill stop the burdens that I am causing you two, and to myself too. - Meet Silence Angel CBAA 2012 [ADMIN: To the owner of this post, please message the admins immediately upon reading this. Tell us you are Meet Silence Angel. I hope one of us can get you professional help (on gratis). Please.]
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 23:41:39 +0000

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