I found something like this::::desert pictogram In September - TopicsExpress


I found something like this::::desert pictogram In September 1990, the media went around information about the discovery of the desert Alvord huge sign which has been defined by some as desert pictogram. He discovered his Air National Guard pilot during the flight over the south-east the Oregon. It was a huge, perfectly formed geometric character that was on the dried bottom of the lake. Soon on TV and in the press appeared unusual desert pictogram images taken from the aircraft. Experts identified the mark as Sri Yantra - the symbol of mother nature revered in India. Mark has approx. 400 meters in diameter, and its analysis showed no traces of tires and any other marks left by man. Some researchers therefore concluded that the creator of the sign had to be newcomers from kosmosuJakiś time later to perform Sri Yantry admitted, however, the artist Bill Witherspoon. He claimed to have made a mark with your friends, using a hand plow. This statement was met with disbelief. Supporters of cosmic origin Sri Yantry referred to the assertion expert, who declared that the execution of this character require advanced equipment for measurement and cost approx. $ 100,000. Talk about the truthfulness of the statement Witherspoon flared so good and to date opinion on this subject are divided. It is worth at this point, refer to the version that introduced the artist. Desert attracted Witherspoon from his youth. During the days spent there most painted clouds forming over his head subtle shapes. In 1989, in search of inspiration, he decided to live in the desert in a special the bus. One day he sketched an intriguing geometric form. Rather than create on the basis of another image, acting on impulse, collected small stones and used it to reflect the pattern outlined in his camp. Witherspoon felt that the character acted within specific energy. Specific its intensity felt in the middle, so the point is chosen as a daily meditation. Built with stones mark began soon attract animals. Afternoons at the door of his camp, sleeping foxes. Soon there were also owls, rabbits and antelope. Bill wondered how this unusual animal behavior was due to the sign with stones, and to what extent the presence of human consciousness at its center (reinforced by meditation). It is difficult to assess what was the reason and whether or not it was only a coincidence, but in the private mind of the artists magic worked. A year later, Witherspoon, along with his son and a group of friends arrived, which was dried lake bottom. The aim was to create a Sri Yantry - the character that serves many Hindus as the instrument for meditation and for them the deepest expression of the divine laws and forces of mother nature. Group of developers every day marched on foot from the place of their encampment on the dried bed of the lake. Instead of using expensive measuring instruments made use of simple tools - poles and flags, assisting in the binoculars. Also benefited from the principles of ancient geometry and used the shadow cast by the sun. Pattern has been etched in the ground with a plow pulled by three people, while the fourth dealt with his control. Once the design has been completed, the southern sky rain clouds gathered. The rain, which had passed local coverage - focused in the valley, which was established character, arousing jealous comments owners of the nearby ranches, who also waited for the rain. The heavy rainfall dissolved footprints and made the sign engraved in the ground was as extremely impressive. Bill wanted his work remaining anonymous. However, after the discovery of the spectacular character, Sri Yantra became the object of all kinds of speculation. The most popular theory assumed that its author had to be aliens. Witherspoon after thorough considerations decided to cut these speculations and confessed to and described by way of making that character. As a result of blowing winds and heavy rains that occasionally haunted by those around Sri Yantra disappeared from the surface of the dried bottom of the lake in 1993. In the meantime, however, Witherspoon made again - twice the size of the pattern, referring to the themes present in the Vedic culture and Native American. This time the model was built on private land, and apparently contributed in the following years to an exceptional harvest. Witherspoon believed that Sri Yantra is a form of tribute to a devoted Earth, which, as soon cease to be treated objectively and thoughtlessly exploited (characteristic of the present time), it can better serve people and create perfect harmony with him .. Reaction researchers statement Witherspoon The illustrated story has two interesting aspects. The first is the reaction part of the environment related to the unknown. First of all, very quickly sign the desert was considered evidence of alien activity on Earth - some compare it to the figures on the Nazca plateau. Such a reaction realizes our disbelief in human creativity. However, it turns out that the man is capable of seemingly irrational actions (creating complex characters in the desert) and unusual. The second aspect of this story reminds us how superficial is our treatment of the unknown. Talk about the sign in the desert almost exclusively of his authorship. Of course, such a question is natural, but if we limit ourselves only to him, we lose sight of the rest. Perhaps the reasoning of phenomenon is worth learning only when a supernatural authorship is a mistake. Its a bit like underestimate interesting reports about anomalies light only because it was accompanied by pictograms made by man. Or maybe it was the work of artists attracted unusual or unknown to science itself creates phenomena? Maybe some cropmakerzy (creating advanced designs close to the so-called. Places of power and inspired by the principles of sacred geometry) create characters with a greater impact than the so-called. The original phenomenon (according to some researchers - hiding only for simple shapes)? Such questions can be multiplied endlessly. Surely the whole phenomenon of crop circles is a blend of human activity (cropmakerzy), beliefs and expectations (enthusiasts pictograms), nature (corn), and unknown (seen balls of light), and all these elements are connected by mutual interaction. In fact, it is difficult to say now what is the cause and what is effect, and where the borderline between reality and rational unknown. Meaning Sri Yantry Returning to the desert Sri Yantry - disputes about the authorship continues to this day. Although most people accept as the real version Witherspoon, are those who still find the arguments for its cosmic origin. Reducing the whole story, only this issue by, ignore all the other interesting aspects of the case. First of all, for Witherspoon (if we reject the conspiracy theory) his desert experiences were not unusual, on the border of magic. When you made your first sign of stones (before Sri Yantra), this place has become a magnet for local animals. The question of whether fixed for the actual cause if it was only a coincidence, it is impossible to decide from a scientific point of view (if only because science requires multiple experiments to confirm the hypothesis). In fact, for Witherspoon was not probably matter. Meditating inside the character and watching the animals experienced upcoming special contact with nature, which in the majority of modern people have forgotten. It should also pay attention to the sign itself. Sri Yantra has its roots in the Vedic literature and is used as an instrument for meditation, mainly by people belonging to the tantric tradition of Hinduism. Sri Yantra consists of 9 isosceles triangles overlapping each other form 43 smaller triangles. Five triangles is directed downward and represents the female energy (Sakti), and four are directed upwards and represent the male aspect of wisdom (Siva). The central point called the bindu represents the original union of masculine and feminine aspect before the act of creation. There are two types of meditation based on the Sri Yantra. The first is called the outer. Begins with contemplation bindu, and then is directed to the following areas embracing consciousness towards the outside. This type of meditation is based on the vision of the universe - from wszechwiecznego the unity represented by the bindu for the increasingly complex aspects of reality represented in the symbol of the increasingly complex shapes. Meditation is a process called internal destruction and represents the reverse order, refers to the dissolution of the material world. According to eastern spiritual masters lead to persistent classes that the meditator and the object of meditation become one, even the bindu (pictured center of the cosmos) spreads and blurs the relationship between consciousness, the symbol and the cosmos. Sri Yantry characteristic feature is that the largest angle of the triangle base is approx. 52 degrees. This brings to mind the Great Pyramid of Giza, the angle of inclination of the side walls to the ground is 51.5 degrees. Some argue that the Sri Yantra emits more energy than the pyramid, but the condition for this is the exact cancellation, which is not a simple matter. There are still some relatively unsophisticated methods to do this, but they are incorrect. Apparently, our ancestors were able to draw it with extreme precision. It is interesting that the largest triangle-shaped Sri Yantry there is the number phi - the so-called golden ratio, which is approximately 1,618. This number has some intriguing mathematical properties, of which the most important is that the ratio of consecutive numbers in the Fibonacci sequence is increasingly converging with it. Golden ratio is everywhere - you can find it in the construction of the human body, the system leaves of the plant, as well as in architecture - ex. Greek Parthenon (this topic can be found in The Da Vinci Loenarda Koda). Encode the number in Vedic character proves, according to some mapping in the divine laws of nature. As you can see interesting is not only the authorship of characters, but they are the same. According to some, it is worth to focus also on the geometry of the pictograms. It does not necessarily mean tedious mathematical research. Geometric characters delight with its beauty even when we perceive them in an intuitive way and does not have to be complicated patterns. A group of people from England (who practice direct, intuitive experience of crop circles) assured me that a simple, properly withdrawn circle (eg., Such as this year in Wylatowo) can also be a source of subtle energy. After all, similar shapes are stone circles built by our ancestors. Of course it is difficult to talk about energy in the objective sense. Science does not yet confirmed the existence of the so-called. Energy shapes. Does she really exist or is it just the effect of auto-suggestion - it is difficult to assess. Kind of like this - if it works by itself or creates her man by consciously focusing on a given shape. People who feel this energy is enough, however, subjective experience. Comparison of crop circles the mandala Crop circles are often compared to the mandala - you can even say that it pictograms mandalas in crops. And both of them formed a circle. Mandalas, despite the fact that their author is a man, for a lot of people are very important. It is worth to know their symbolism, if only because of their similarity with pictograms. Richard Waterstoone in the book India writes: Mandalas are diagrams representing the universe. In the Hindu and Buddhist traditions serve as resources to assist in meditation and being part of the sacred ritual activities. Mandalas are painted on paper or fabric, created from wood or bronze, drawn on the ground with colored powders or stacked with threads (and in principle could be added - embossed in the Rye - my ed.) In the center of the mandala is a point (bindu) to denote the Mount Meru (mythical up in the middle of the universe) towards which the meditator travels on your way to enlightenment. In Hindu philosophy is divided into cosmic space endowed with the power of a network of lines that run from north to south and from west to east, passing the divine energy of the universe. The mandala illustrate this intersecting triangles and squares, and the points of intersection are considered to be endowed with special energy (...) Sacred space inside the mandala symbolizes the microcosm of the universe. Circling the space adept seeks to take over the power contained therein (sakti) of the gods. Mandala also represents the inner space of consciousness, so that the individuality of the meditator can connect with the cosmos. Advanced yogis focus on the mandala until they become able to internalize it (in a vision). If you already reach, they are able to visualize the mandala in your mind and go into the space that it represents I think it is worth gaze at a pictograms through the prism of symbolism and the use of the mandala. Perhaps someone will occur to some associations ... In another passage of his book mentions Richard Waterstoone fascination with mandalas famous psychiatrist and a psychologist Jung: Jung wrote extensively about the mandala, and published several works on patterns resembling mandalas, appearing in dreams and reflex drawings of his patients. Jungs interest led him to India, where he saw the tantric practice of running out and reintegration I in a process similar to his own theory of indywidudalizacji in which individual consciousness combines with mythical content collective unconscious. I actually mandalas are also used in therapy. In the Centre of Creative Action Mandala run by Janusz Olenderka workshop participants draw mandalas, which the therapists are at the level of symbolic and metaphorical image of his own I (including internal problems) In search of the elusive unknown As you can see the secret pictograms lies not only in their alleged supernatural authorship, but also in the same characters. Of course pictograms need to be tested scientifically, because only such an approach can be a source of objective knowledge for all. However, it also admire their geometry (in this respect is dominated by English pictograms) or experience the places of their energy (if someone gives you faith that it exists). People visiting the places where there are pictograms are sometimes witnessed unusual anomaly light. Some even suspect that between the mysterious balls of light and the people they interact. This part of the phenomena is the direct witness unusual, individual experience. However, these are mostly subjective experience, often incomprehensible - it is hard on their basis to build meaningful theories and present them to others as objective truth. An example of the difficulty in objectively assessing the supernatural phenomena could be the story, which cites TR Dutton. Happened to it during the operation Blackbird - a failed attempt to monitoring the English fields. Dutton describes the relationship of one of the persons who engaged in observation fields. Witness the event was on a hill just above the camp. At 2 am he heard a low frequency noise that seemed to emanate from the sky. The invisible sound source seemed to move, and its level has been steadily increasing. At some point, the volume was so high that it has become difficult to bear. When you witness the event started to panic source began to recede until the noise soon ceased to be heard. Author relationship hastily ran down the hill to the camp, shouting to those present: what was that sound? To his surprise, he heard totalnemu in response: What sound?. It turned out that no one had heard ... Similar cases of discrepancies in the observations relate to sometimes light anomalies. For skeptics is evidence that such anomalies are solely the work of auto-suggestion, then it is hard to explain collective observations. Those who have experienced explain it differently. One of them likens the world to a two-layer image (wherein each layer has its own different laws). The main picture is called. Hard reality - which is what we all experience objectively what science describes using the immutable laws, which is measurable and predictable. The second image (applied to the first) is generally empty, but sometimes there are some things on it (the phenomenon of objects), which are briefly unable to interact with the hard reality. So suddenly as they appear and disappear so. Another problem in the fixation is that do not belong to the daily reality and do not necessarily behave in accordance with the known laws, the second image may be a temporary point between another universe or to another aspect of our reality. Of course, the foregoing is only a figment of human imagination, because it is still too little we know about ourselves, and even at this objectively experienced reality to be able to put some reasonable hypotheses about the nature of the unknown.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 08:25:45 +0000

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