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I found this... agree with it... provide it here for all to absorb... be alert... be wise... Know that God is in control... The End of the United States By Stephen Pidgeon April 30, 2013 The fifty-state union is over. Nothing remains but a criminal mafia pretending to hold office, stealing every last aspect of wealth they can identify in order to accomplish three things: 1) make payment to the banksters who have paid their bribes; 2) secure payment to themselves to ensure their own comfort; and 3) secure enough means to keep the mafia working (i.e., paying the utilities for the capitol building). All of these people who claim to hold office in the United States government have violated their respective oaths of office, and have no use for the Constitution that created their offices to begin with. As a consequence, they cannot lawfully hold any office whatsoever; instead, they occupy the space that a lawful person could hold, at the expense of the laws of the nation itself. Since the Constitution is now irrelevant and there is no organic document giving rise to this enterprise, there is and there can be no federal government. The Constitution is dead, and so is the lawful establishment of governance. What is in play now is brute force, and nothing else. Such enterprises are always doomed to failure, and this one is no exception. This union of states was created initially by George Washington and his cohorts in order to guarantee the debt of the Revolutionary War to England. Look closely at the close of that war: did we conquer the King of England? Did we burn London? The answer is, no; we settled with London and the Crown by agreeing to pay a debt to the Crown with interest. Now you understand why the supremacy clause was included in the Constitution, and why the enumerated powers under Article I, Section 8 begin with “the Congress shall have the Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, [and] to pay the Debts . . . of the United States. “ What debt? Was such a debt disclosed to “we, the people” at the time of the adoption of the Constitution? Did the “people” actually vote on the Constitution, or did just the representatives of the states? Why doesn’t the Constitution begin with “We, the States”? The answer is very straightforward: The United States was formed under a unified confession of judgment to the Crown in England – it is at its core, a debt guarantee, with the teeth necessary to enforce it against the participating states. These teeth were used with great force against the disobedient Southern States in the War Between the States to punish those who sought to use the rule of law in contravention with the orchestrated debt repayment mechanism. Consider Article VI of the Constitution (the last Article): “All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.” Does the plenary power of the individual States allow them to somehow squeeze away from this debt guarantee? No. The very next clause ensures compliance: “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.” In short, the founders who brought on this revolution, and who borrowed money from the King of England (who also loaned the money to King of France, who thereafter went bankrupt to his own demise) to engage in the revolution, managed to get the States to guarantee their debts for the revolution, and used this Article to make sure it held. Lincoln saw fit to enforce this union and this debt guarantee, and so, the illusion of federalism was crushed with the blood of millions, bringing the nation under martial law via Lincoln’s General Rule 100 (the Lieber Code) which remains in effect today. The proof of this proposition lies in the abnormalities that are present in the current system. Here are just a few examples: Article I, Section 10, clause 3 provides that “No State shall, without the consent of Congress, . . . keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, . . . or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.” One look at the deployment of the Boston Police Department following the bombing of April 15, 2013 makes it clear that troops are being kept in time of peace. Troops and the massive military machine of the federal government are of course kept all over the nation. The mere placement of federal troops inside a the boundaries of a given state is martial law by definition, as understood under the Lieber Code; and the trappings of constitutionalism are merely the temporary protocols that can be used to execute control unless and until they become inefficacious, in which case, courts martial can be employed with dispatch to the surprise of the average “American.” The National Defense Authorization Act (the NDAA) is consistent with this understanding, where suddenly, habeas corpus, rights to counsel, rights to know of your accusation, rights to refuse to self-incriminate, rights to be free of unreasonable search and seizure and rights to confront your accusers all disappear at the whim of the “President.” Article I, Section 8, clause 5 provides that the Congress shall have the power “to coin Money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures.” Article I, Section 9, clause 7 provides that “no Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law.” Article I, Section 10, clause 1 provides that “no State shall . . . make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.” The debt obligation expressed in the Constitution has long since been replaced with emergency orders (beginning under Lincoln), orders in bankruptcy (under FDR), and money that has been re-expressed in Federal Reserve Notes, off-the-books interest rates, and debt instruments disguised as currency, which are not created by the Treasury, but by a private group to manage the enslavement of the American people, and to manage the non-stop stream of wealth transfer that constitutes day-to-day life in America. To be concise: You do not live under the “Constitution.” You are not “free.” You have no “rights.” And this condition existed long before GWB or Obama – their “Presidencies” simply represent the fist of tyranny being deployed against you in order to move you from semi-affluent slave, to third-world slave. This house of slavery, like Egypt before it, is certain to fail. The falsity of this system cannot be sustained, and further, it is the intent of the ruling masters that the North American continent be “equalized” to the poverty levels of other nations, in order to socialize the system, where they can live as unbridled nobility, and we can live as fully bridled serfs. All of these plans work well until the underlying wealth evaporates. Then, it is anybody’s game. Enter the forces of nature. National systems – that is to say, nations as opposed to political states, emerge by force of nature and not by the mechanisms of statists. A statist takes out a map and a ruler and creates a “state.” A nation develops via the adoption of morals, language, ethics, and common sense (a sense of right and wrong consistent with the practices of the order). Europe is an obvious example of this, where you have over a hundred languages spoken, and where each language carries with it a cultural expectation, societal norms (such as how they wed, and how they deal with the dead), morals (that is to say, common cultural practices) and common sense (a general understanding of how to live within the social order). Once the bankrupt nation of the United States is gutted by its creditors (currently underway now), the federal union – an entity that can no longer claim the lawful authority of a written agreement between the states as binding, given its own material breach – will be unable to sustain its enterprise, as the wealth will vanish completely. (The wealth of the government is already gone; but your wealth remains – which means their enterprise will continue until they can take everything you have left. They will not go away until your wealth is exhausted. If you argue, they now have 1.6 billion bullets they can use to change your mind.) So the entire federal system only fails after your wealth has been exhausted and transferred to the money interests to whom we have been indebted since the United States was founded. What then comes of this catastrophic failure? Initially, starvation, a dramatic decrease in life expectancy, a dramatic rollback in the size of the population, and general deprivation marked with the destruction of families through the death of bread winners (resulting in a marked increase in orphans), roving bands of miscreants, violent gang formation among children as young as five, and the rise of armed mafias whose power will be executed by the use of extreme force. This is Phase I.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 01:58:12 +0000

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