I found this and just loved it..simple but so very, very true..and - TopicsExpress


I found this and just loved it..simple but so very, very true..and just a great reminder on how to live your life to the fullest and find the joy you deserve everyday!! ..... Today someone will decide to look for and find joy in their day. Someone will wake up totally aware that they have unlimited power available to them. Someone will have a shift in their perspective which will change their destiny. Maybe that someone is you? I’ve noticed in life that it’s not that it becomes easier, it’s just that I navigate through it with an attitude that improves every day, so it seems easier and I become more relaxed and resilient as I enjoy the journey. It really isn’t the world that changes…it’s us. Is life ever going to knock you down? Possibly. A better question is, are you going to get up or are you going to let it keep you down? If you’re ready to live a truly extraordinary life here’s some simple suggestions to help you be the someone whose life has expanded into one of greater power and possibility. 1. Honour yourself Honour who you are and why you’re here. You have been given incredible gifts and talents that are uniquely yours. Give thanks. Accept the gifts, find joy in them and then your joy will radiate out into the world. You have God given talents, your job is to develop them and by using them live the most extraordinary life you can imagine. 2. Be open Keep your mind open to new ideas and concepts. The greatest barriers to new ideas is the need to be right. So give that up. Nurture your new ideas, they might be priceless. Don’t worry what anyone else thinks. Throughout history many of our greatest thinkers and philosophers were bumped off because they had new ideas that weren’t very well received by the society of their day. Yet lo these many years later, most of them are considered to be profound and enlightened thinkers. Even if your ideas aren’t considered profound by others, they could have a profound impact in your life. 3. Choose your mood. You don’t have to live at the whims and vagaries of the facts of life. Moods aren’t simply the effects of the happenings of life, they’re also the causes. You might say you’re thrilled because you’ve accomplished something you value, not realizing that the process works just as well in reverse and you can accomplish something easily because you’ve chosen to feel thrilled first. Don’t keep your attention and consequently your feelings on the world that is, instead give more focus to the world that could be…and you get to choose what that looks like by using your imagination. Allow the outer world to dominate your thinking and before too long you’ll be vibrating with that energy. 4. Find a way to be supportive Support everyone you come in contact with so they can see how great they are. At heart we’re all part of the divine and all connected to one another. Be the voice of perpetual love and encouragement. It’s not possible to feel anything other than good about ourselves when we’re supporting others and as an added bonus you bring the best and greatest you to the surface. We meet too many along the way who, in order to feel better about themselves, need to make someone else seem small. That’s no way to be great. And no way to live an extraordinary life. 5. Relish new things To have something different in your life you have to be someone different then you can do something differently. If you’re comfortable where you are, you’re in a rut. Being a little bit scared of your next step is evidence that you’re about to move into a different state of mind: A new state of consciousness that holds all the joys and wonders of your journey. Celebrate that. Be one with nature, which loves to continually create new life. Don’t be so afraid of failure that it restricts you from living your extraordinary life. The one you were always intended to live. Jump in, now. 6. Don’t follow the crowd They probably don’t know where they’re going. Set yourself free from the goodwill and acceptance of other people. If they don’t see the world the same way you do…let it be. Wonderful things might await the one who, regardless of current circumstances, keeps on heading toward their own dreams, safe in the knowledge the Universe, or God, or Source always conspires to support you in manifesting the best life possible for you. Delightful, marvelous you. You’ll never know how far you can go unless you begin your journey. The only limit is your thinking. 7. Allow desires Get over the idea that desires are somehow not spiritual, or worthy. Every desire you have comes from spirit asking for greater expression. Every desire is the answer to life’s problems. And if it’s a material desire, great, go for it. If it’s a spiritual desire, great, go for it. And if you want it all, great, go for that. There’s nothing inherently wrong with desires, only thinking makes it so. We expand and grow because we have a desire to. We seek God because we desire to. We want to experience greater success, more love, more money, better health because we desire to. It’s all good. 8. Don’t ignore how you feel Feel your feelings and move on. If something hurts, don’t push it away. Don’t wallow in it either. The feeling is real and if it hurts it’s because it mattered to you. Once you’ve felt it, let it go. It isn’t the feelings of hurt or anger or sadness that cause the problem it’s holding on to them, never to let them go Those vibrations get stuck in the very cells of your body, leading to sickness or depression. Don’t do that to yourself. 9. Expectations Expect the good and great to show up. If you keep in mind a picture of bright and wonderful happenings you put yourself in the state of mind that allows those desires to freely flow to you. Your expectations are connected to universal supply. Expecting something small is okay, just don’t be surprised when you get it. I used to tell myself not to have expectations because if they weren’t met I’d be disappointed. What a sad indictement of my faith. Once I set higher standards for my life, for love, for creativity, and for wisdom I began to live up to those expectations. Miracles occurred. 10. Guard the gate We’ve all been conditioned with beliefs that came from someone else. But you have your own heroic mission in life. And now you have the opportunity to be selective in what ideas you’re willing to entertain, what beliefs to accept and choose that will guide YOU on your journey Don’t allow anything in unless it’s conducive to producing a full and happy life. At the same time remember number 2 above. Whatever is repeatedly allowed into our subconscious mind will soon become a belief, and then becomes a part of our life experience. Look no further than the life you currently lead, it’s your subconscious showing you all that it holds. And for pity’s sake this isn’t about blame. Please hear that. It isn’t for blame. That’s ego stuff. It’s about observing and tweaking or correcting the consciousness that drew the experiences to us. If we choose to. 11. Focus We want to be productive, so we have to be doing something, right? Errr not so much. At least not all the time. Sometimes the most productive thing we can do for ourselves is to turn everything off…or take ourselves out of our daily routine and just be. We don’t have unlimited fuel to run on. We might be unlimited beings but our bodies and minds and spirits need a chance to recharge, to be renewed. Life is constantly regrouping, regrowing, replenishing itself, as must we if we are to continue to transform our experiences. 12. Conviction Make up your mind that the greatest thing that ever happened to you was discovering how to live an extraordinary life. We must make our desire the dominant idea in our minds; the idea from which the majority of our thoughts will flow. By keeping our attention focused on the fulfillment of a desire we generate the energy that recreates this idea in our outer world. Be self-persuaded, convince yourself that whatever you’re after is already yours. This way we’re guided onto the appropriate path and the right action necessary to accomplish our goal will follow. What suggestions do you have for living an extraordinary life? Or what’s stopped you from doing this? Leave a comment below and share your insights with us. You never know yours just might be the voice that made a difference in our world. Thanks, as always for reading and sharing. Encourage one another.. Written by Elle Sommer
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 15:30:04 +0000

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