I found this clip from fox news. They were attempting to explain - TopicsExpress


I found this clip from fox news. They were attempting to explain sun activity to try and downplay it as insignificant. They were attempting to explain that a quarter of the sun has blown off. OK I really didn´t want to go there, but this guy is lying. He also could have used a little less caffeine before he started. Also he is of the Masonic order (a high level one). OK, I am going to clue people in concerning the sun. The sun is not a nuclear furnace sitting in the middle of the solar system. It does not operate off of the principles of nuclear fusion like indoctrinated science dictates through standard education. They know this, but they keep on telling people it because it fits into the dynamic paradigm. You have 22 year cycles in solar activity from deadness of activity to deadness in activity. We are in what is called cycle 24 the sun is going dead and it is not creating an ionosphere. In dealing with the sun you have what is called "Solar Flux". Normally that is rated at 200 or a tad bit higher. The sun is operating at 140 (below average) The sun is currently operating at half power right now which is a little odd for this part of the cycle (well any cycle). I know this because this is what we have to know in avionics in order to establish communications. Well we are having issues with some communications equipment due to the fact that the sun is not pushing the proper power to generate what we need in order for some of our communications systems to function properly and that would be the Ionosphere. When we talk about the sun being dead, we are talking about activity during a specific cycle. You have a minimum and a maximum. We are currently descending through and into a minimum however this minimum activity is actually not on record and it´s a concern. The solar flux has never dropped below 60 on record. It has dropped to 58. That´s a very big deal regarding communications. The sun is more than likely reconfiguring for a cold dead cycle. If you don´t know what the sun is doing, you don´t know what frequencies to use. That´s why in avionics we learn radio astrology (well some of us did). The planets tell you what the sun is doing. Planetary alignment has a direct influence on the sun´s activity. OK now. Truthfully, we don´t know what the sun really is and how it works. They just like to portray it in a manner to make it seem as if they know what the hell they are talking about, but quite a few theories they float just don´t add up. We do know that it does not operate off of the fusion principle. It operates more like a converter than anything else. In fusion, you would have matter or material spent that would eventually change the density within the star. Spent material would amount to a countdown until there is no more of a specific material to use or cannibalize. Well we have been studying the sun for a very very long time, and it´s density has not changed. The only thing that has changed is it´s polarity and position from Pisces into Aquarius. In nuclear fusion, you do not have absolute time intervals that function like clockwork concerning activity max and min, and you do not have precision with precession of cycles of activity. It´s impossible due to the nature of the theory behind fusion. In that theory you are constantly calculating due to decrease in density due to used material and the change of pressure within containment. You will never come up with precise time intervals that are equal with that math and or theory. Also, in the fusion based theory, that hole that the sun has would not be there. It would have filled up due to there being a void. youtube/watch?v=sUIwnb_Kn04
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 05:08:14 +0000

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