I found this comment on this post. I thought it was worth your - TopicsExpress


I found this comment on this post. I thought it was worth your time to read. It was written by a disabled vet who has given so much for our freedom! He is very articulate and shares a very important message. Please read it: Keith Carter As a disabled veteran, I have seen the brutality of Islamic Fundamentalism. I have held the hands of brothers as they bled out in far away valleys and deserts wishing only to see their families once again. I have bandaged the wounds of women mauled in suicide bombings and attacks simply because they were from the wrong family or village.. I have seen and smelled the aftermath of IEDs and VBIEDs on innocent civilians and citizen-soldiers of my own nation. The smell of burnt flesh haunts me to this day as do the sight of the boots I wore; stained in the blood of my closest friend. I do not wish these horrors on anyone if it is in my power to stop it. Unfortunately for me, I am no longer able to take the fight to our nations enemies. As a 3rd generation warrior, I have studied historys great soldiers. From Musashis victory against Kojiro by intentionally sleeping in, to Custers final gamble; warriors study history for insight into todays wars. A little insight can go a long way. Please, allow me to share some of that insight with you. American soldiers have never lost a war against another nation or army. Soldiers in Vietnam slaughtered the enemy and beat them back above the DMZ until the North Vietnamese Army gave up and signed the Paris Treaty. It wasnt until US politicians decided to abandon our responsibilities to the South Vietnamese under that treaty that the war was lost and tens of thousands of innocent people were slaughtered. During the First Gulf War American soldiers walked through the Iraqi lines almost uncontested until yet again Washington politicians stepped in and stopped our advance before Saddam was stopped, allowing more than a decade of rule by that tyrant before he was finally captured. During the second war in Iraq, political gains once again forced Americas withdrawal before a stable government and military could be formed allowing the current crisis in the region. Current plans have the same result planned for Afghanistan when we withdraw from there and the Taliban has stated their plan to return from the mountains of Pakistan and take over the country after our departure. Every American soldier who died in these wars did so for nothing as our own elected officials gave up the gains those brave men and women fought, bled, and died for for their own political gains. Every single American KIA since the death of Lt. Col. Peter Dewey in 1964 has been in vain and that blood fills the seats you and your fellow politicians sit in to this day. This must stop! Too many of my brothers and sisters have died for nothing because of politicians and those of us who were brave enough, patriotic enough, or simply dumb enough to enlist to fight for this nation will no longer stand by while you and your fellow Washington elite waste our blood for naught! The current plan to defeat the Islamic State seems to be to arm and train locals to fight for us. We tried in the 80s to defeat the Russians in Afghanistan and created Al Qaeda by mistake. We tried that in Libya and our short-sightedness created the militia that stormed the American embassy and killed 4 Americans there. We tried that in Syria and created the army that became the Islamic State. We have tried this tactic before. It has ALWAYS created a worse problem than the one we were trying to defeat. Three of these attempts were by the very administration that is trying to do so this time! Why are you sitting by while this happens? Standing up and talking is not enough! Act! Make people listen! Do not sit down until you are heard and understood! I do not want to see a single brother or sister die fighting a needless war. As someone who has seen the horrors of war, I have seen more than enough death to never wish to see another one fought without good reason. But as a responsible citizen of this nation, I realize that the threat posed by the Islamic State is a threat caused by the short-sighted political decisions of the current administration and feel that we have a duty to clean up our own mess. We created them, we need to end them. I do not have a plan to win this fight. I will not claim to be that smart or have that much insight into how these groups work. I am, however, smart enough to realize that history has proven that politicians do not have that insight either. After 13 years of fighting these people, there are leaders out there who do have the knowledge and insight to defeat them. Our militarys leadership contains some astonishingly smart warriors who know how to do their jobs better than anyone else in the history of the world. They have studied the lessons of Alexander, Napolean, and Prushing. They know the players currently in the game inside Iraq and have relationships with many of the people we will need to count on for victory there. Please allow these fine soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines to do what they do best by forming a plan of action, leading the worlds greatest army into battle, and winning a war that you have personally allowed to become necessary! Do not think that you or anyone else in Washington can do their job better than they can, as history proves otherwise. Thank you for taking time to read this. I apologize for any insult you or your fellow politicians take at my remarks about your war-fighting abilities, but the truth must be spoken and understood! I mean no disrespect, but I will not sit silently while more and more innocent lives are lost because of politics and the inability of Washington to get out of the way of professional warriors who are willing to step in and clean up the mess yall have created.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 01:05:55 +0000

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