I found this on another discussion forum and I agree: I wish - TopicsExpress


I found this on another discussion forum and I agree: I wish Tsvangirai (MT) sees the folly of his ways....He is taking the party to the grave with him. (1) MDC elections in 2016 will not give a new leader enough time for his brand to be familiar with people in the 2018 general elections. People vote in general elections largely becoz of the leader. That is the reason that will be used in 2016. So we will be stuck with MT who has no cue of how to dislodge Zanu. (2) Btn now and after the 2016 MDC elections, the party is going to be in turmoil as pro and anti MT will focus on their squabbles rather than Zimbabwe. (3) Given this division, I suspect many party leaders will half-heartedly campaign for MT, lest they will be accused of being Zanu spies. He is popular within MDC becoz the party built its brand around him. (Hell, it is even called MDC - TSVANGIRAI). It would be folly to go against that brand name that has taken 15 yrs to build. Therefore, other party leaders will be forced to appear to support him for fear of losing their own positions. It is akin to riding a lion. It maybe a bumpy ride, but if you fall off....(Mangomas carcass is being served for lunch as we speak!!) (4) After losing the 2013 general elections, MT and MDC have not changed tact. It is still whinge-as-usual. There is very little comfort that MDC under his leadership can dislodge Zanu. (5) I am led to believe that MT demanded an extraordinary general meeting in March 2014 where he would stand against all-comers. Either he is being greedy or / unfair. MDC has built a brand around him. That is how general elections are won. Therefore, he is the most known person within MDC. For him to call an election under such circumstances gives him an unfair / given advantage. (a) It means that when a new leader is elected after him (maybe) in 2021, other party leaders should be careful not to over promote that new leader in case, he / she refuses to handover the batton stick to others. MT is creating a poor legacy for MDC. (b ) He should learn from Nelson Mandela who handed over power. He was still popular (in fact he can win ANC elections from his grave!!!). But Mandelas conduct left a legacy for the party to change leadership far more easily. Within ANC, democracy is still thriving. Mangoma is even suggesting that he is awarded a position of founding president. In conclusion, I am very despondent with MTs conduct around this matter. I am one of many who fear the one-man / dictatorship that Zanu has displayed. Any slight indication that a party is in the process of creating, another demi-god, then I flee. MT is not providing that comfort. The conduct of Theresa Makone and womens league yesterday of shouting that MT is Jesuss third brother who will rule MDC until donkeys grow horns is not giving me comfort. I predict that if the status quo remains, and IF BITI CAN BE CONVINCED, another breakaway party is in the offing by the end of the year!!!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 10:03:07 +0000

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