I found this paragraph striking. Of all the difficult parts of - TopicsExpress


I found this paragraph striking. Of all the difficult parts of parenting, the hardest for me (and for many people, I think) is not the fatigue or time drain or chaos of family life, but the inability to ensure that nothing terrible will ever happen to my children. This desire to prevent suffering in one’s kids is stronger than the desire to breathe, stronger than my most basic human instincts. And yet, no matter how strong the desire, none of us can do it. We just can’t. Max says: I think the rise of parenting hyperanxiety is likely partly a consequence of waiting until youre older to have one or two kids (all your eggs in one basket), partially self-reinforcing social phenomenon (everyone else is afraid too), and partly a consequence of the decline of religious faith among upper-income Americans. When you feel like theres no one upstairs watching out for you, you become very anxious to ensure your own future and your kids, even if theres really nothing you can do to ensure it. Thats an opinion, but one thing I do know for sure is this: because I know the God of Abraham is real, and because I know he cares about us, I do not have crippling anxiety over my future even though I know I do not control it. If you worry about things, I would recommend that you spend more time seriously studying the Bible and the Book of Mormon and praying to know if they are true. salon/2014/06/03/the_day_i_left_my_son_in_the_car/
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 23:07:12 +0000

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