I fully believe that allowing random road blocks and breath tests - TopicsExpress


I fully believe that allowing random road blocks and breath tests by Police are a massive invasion of our civil rights and amount to nothing less than police state tactics that we as NZ citizens need to consider. What’s next? Are we going to allow police to stop everyone in the street and strip search us on the grounds that one in every 100 people may be carrying a knife or other contraband? STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS NOW before we find ourselves voting on which police officer we elect into parliament. The NZ police already have FAR TOO MUCH POWER. TIME TO ACT & take back our right to be a Kiwi This has nothing to do with drunk driving & everything to do with our right to privacy Know your rights and learn how to say NO! the next time you have them walked all over.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 03:12:29 +0000

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