I generally try to keep my ranting down to a bare minimum, but - TopicsExpress


I generally try to keep my ranting down to a bare minimum, but today, I need to be heard and seen, just a little. Its not selfish...dont judge me. I am one of the most honest people anyone could ever know. I have a tendency to be one of the nicest people known (whether or not youre being nice to me...for those of you that are thinking Im just blowing smoke...you dont know the real me, keep scrolling). I work hard at everything I do, no matter what it is. If Im helping run a fund raiser, building something, fixing something, or even just making someones dinner...I give it my all because anything worth doing is worth doing right. I dont leave the food in the oven half the time its supposed to be in there, just because I dont have the patience to wait. I dont forget to refill the motor with oil when Im changing it because it is a vital step in that task being accomplished. I am a thorough person, a giving person, and a loyal damn person that deserves to have my head come up above water for a little while. Ever since my last job (which I was only able to get because I took job training classes - and it was a FACTORY (note, not criticizing people for working in factories, but I personally cant do it.)), I cant find one. Many places say in their application process that having a felony does not automatically bar you from employment, but it is AWFUL STINKING HILARIOUS that I havent been able to get a job in the 5 years I have had this ridiculous thing - except by default because the WIN Job Center didnt want anyone left out (I love them, wholeheartedly, by the way). I am sick of being a single mother without a job. Single mother - fine. Yes, single mother because there is no co-parenting here, so nobody best defend that POS. I have had enough of being looked at as a no-good crook. This is ridiculous. I am fed up with not being able to have the luxuries of buying my babies things they may want (within a reasonable limit (or limit at all)) or buying myself new clothes (other than hand-me-downs, I have not gotten a new wardrobe since I married back in 2008...and still own clothes I bought myself in 2006 from the money I made at my FIRST job.) This isnt a rant to say that I married a piece of crap that drug me to hell with him...no...this is a rant saying that the American Dream is not possible for everyone - sinner or saint. I want to be able to put in my 40+ a week, I WANT to be able to pay in and file my taxes every year, I WANT TO BE A NORMAL, FUNCTIONING MEMBER OF SOCIETY! Why is this so bad?? Why is it that because I am labeled a felon that I am automatically a bad person? People get the short end of the stick by the judicial system EVERY DAY! Does that make them bad people?! No! Bad choices for most, but mine was marrying an idiot (bad choice, too), and trusting that he would never become a person to get himself in a situation where it was to drag me in with him or suffer and look like a bad guy alone. Why cant I get a little slice of normalcy? I wish I had a job to complain about. I WISH I had a way to buy things for my children without making people feel like I need a hand-out (which have never been under appreciated, trust me.). I wish for once that I could honestly say that I did something...that I can DO something...because I worked for it. But, thank you goes out to the judicial system, for making all felons a little more untrustworthy. **Kicks soapbox**
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 17:03:18 +0000

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