I get so tired of seeing the horrible effect that religion has on - TopicsExpress


I get so tired of seeing the horrible effect that religion has on people. Its bad enough to see the bigotry that is so commonly disseminated amongst religious circles, I think I am more affected by the I dont deserve anything posts that I see all the time. It doesnt matter if the person is nearly saintly. Some of the kindest people I know do this all the time. Theyll proclaim their thanks to God for everything they have because for some reason, they dont deserve any of it. I would understand this if said person was a lazy, cruel bastard who earned nothing and received everything by random chance. But when its someone who has worked their ass off for every scrap of happiness, every possession, and every earthly comfort every day for as long as Ive known them, and who have committed no crimes, nor done anything wrong worth noting, Im perplexed. I find myself asking Why? Why dont you deserve what you have? Have you committed some horrible, vicious murder or molested children and simply no one knows about it? What the hell do YOU have to be guilty about? I guess thats one of the reasons that Im always so hard on Christianity and Islam. I am repulsed by the idea that humans are inherently evil, and that everyone should be guilty. Im put off by the litany of innocuous behavior, and thought crimes that the bible imposes. Im certain that more than half of them exist for no reason other than to keep people off balance, and forever unable to achieve satisfaction with themselves. That they must be eternally grateful to this god that they are told has given them everything that they have acquired through observable cause-and-affect in spite of the fact that their lack of unattainable perfection makes them unworthy. Im always left feeling very, very sad. And sure, people can tell me that this isnt what Christianity is about, and that Im only seeing the effect of people doing it wrong, and using it as a tool to control people, but you have to understand that I am on the other side of the fence. I dont see the positives being overcome by the negatives. I see people with strong morals and a kind, generous attitude towards all IN SPITE of their faith who are trying to sanitize and modernize an unsalvagable system. Im very appreciative of these people. Im very, very, very appreciative of those who are willing to challenge tradition to enact good on the world, despite what was handed down to them by a tradition of hate, exclusionism, and ruthless shame culture. Again, I pick on Christianity a lot here, but it is just as prevalent in Islam. I also dont mean to implicate anyone, or condemn any positive behavior. People are entitled to believe what they do, it just makes me sad to see people that I care about destroying themselves with guilt, and pain when they have no need to. I just wish that the people I know who are kind, and generous, and moral in spite of their Christianity would recognize that they are successful because they are kind, and generous, and moral, and because they work very hard to achieve, and maintain the things that are important to them. Its okay to be happy with yourself. Youre good people. You dont need to thank an entity that youve never met for what you have. You made it. Thank your friends and family for helping out, and accepting your help. Thank yourself for never laying down. Be happy because you very much deserve it. Be happy because you have wonderful family, and beautiful children, and because you have carved comfort and survivability from a cold, horrible world that is completely uninterested in you, or your families continuation, and a universe that will not even notice the cosmic instance that was your life. We didnt exist for untold billions and billions of years before we were born, and well not exist for an unimaginable amount of time after we die. This life, in the interim, is precious as it is all that we will ever have. Im very excited, and happy to spend it with the people that I do.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 23:21:48 +0000

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