I get very little opportunity to post anything on here these days - TopicsExpress


I get very little opportunity to post anything on here these days but here are two photos that I took today on a trip to Sker. One of these photos is of a plain looking glass bottle which many of us older folk out there will instantly recognize and many of the younger folk will not have a clue of its significance or past value to us older folk when we were kids many years ago. The second photo is an all too common view which sadly we will all recognize as the general rubbish and detritus which our throw away society seems to generate on an ever increasing basis as we all slowly drown in the sea of plastic rubbish that accumulates around us. I dare say the younger folk are wondering why the significance of the glass bottle? Well if you were a kid in the 1960s / 70s you will instantly recognize a Corona bottle from a mile away. These bottles has a cash deposit on them and back in the day as is the same with all kids we were always terminally skint ! As youngsters, manys the time our gang would be running riot over the dunes as usual either fishing illegally in the pool or out bird nesting or camping at Sker during the school holidays. We always used to collect any and every Corona bottle that we found and cash them back in at Maudlam post office on the way home. Yes it was a form of cash incentive to collect the bottles but back then as kids we would never think of leaving litter around the place as seems to be the practice today. From time to time we all wear rose tinted spectacles and yes there was indeed litter around back in those days but the bulk of the packaging type litter was paper material and easily biodegradable. When I look around the area these days I despair at the level of litter that is accumulating in the environment and I wonder what sort of legacy are we leaving to judge us by in the future? This is all happening on our watch . Have attitudes changed in such a short space of time where we now see it as acceptable to allow this situation to continue? I know that it will be near impossible to change peoples attitudes overnight to leaving litter but something has to change :(
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 20:31:41 +0000

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