I give the glory to GOD glory to GOD THANK YOU FATHER GOD FOR - TopicsExpress


I give the glory to GOD glory to GOD THANK YOU FATHER GOD FOR TRUTH Amen ! Hallelujah!!!!!! We can never know the power of Christ’s resurrection until we know union with Him. It is in union with Christ in God that brings the constancy of His life as our very own reality. There are a couple verses of scripture I would like to consider with you in closing this message. If you will let these gracious inspired words speak for themselves, you will be given to understand a mystery comprehended by very few men and women who have walked the face of this planet. The following words of the apostle Paul are freighted with meaning and spiritual significance. “For our conversation is in heaven; from whence we also look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body, according to the working whereby He is able even to subdue all things unto Himself” (Phil. 3:20-21). The opening statement of this beautiful passage declares that “Our conversation is in heaven.” The word “conversation” is from the Greek politeuma meaning “citizenship.” It is not our words that we speak that are in heaven, but our citizenship — our habitation and residence with full civil rights. We are citizens of heaven! Our residence is in heaven! We have been raised up and made to sit together in the heavens in Christ Jesus! Heaven is the place of our birth, our nativity, our homeland, our sphere of living. We already dwell in heaven — NOW! God is SPIRIT, and heaven is the REALM OF THE SPIRIT, the SPHERE OF EXISTENCE in which God dwells. To be born of the Spirit, to be born of God, is to be born in heaven! To live in the Spirit is to live in heaven! To walk in the Spirit is to walk in heaven! It will be worth our time to examine prayerfully just what is actually stated in the passage of scripture now under consideration. “For our citizenship is in heaven, from whence we look…” “We look…” I ask you to notice this particularly. “From whence we look.” “From whence we look.” It does not say, “from whence we shall look.” Nor does it say, “From whence the Lord shall come.” What it does say is, “From whence we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: who shall change our vile body…” It does not say at all that the Lord Jesus Christ shall come from heaven, although that is how our superficial reading and carnalmindedness has taken it! Nothing is said here about where Christ dwells, or where He is coming from. The subject is not where Christ is, but where WE ARE and WHAT WE ARE DOING THERE! Where are we? “Our citizenship (residence, homeland) is in heaven!” This beautiful passage shows the believer to be an heavenly man, positioned in the heavenlies — living out of the realm of SPIRIT. And what are we doing there? Why, bless your heart, from that lofty vantage point and exalted state of consciousness we are LOOKING FOR THE SAVIOUR to change our vile body! Just as a man may sit in a fire-tower steadily looking for the tell-tale signs of smoke that alert him to a forest fire, so WE SIT IN HEAVEN LOOKING FOR THE SAVIOUR TO CHANGE OUR BODY! The message is clear — we are not on earth looking for our Saviour to come crashing down from heaven. Rather, from our exalted seating in the height of heaven, in the high place of the Spirit, we look for this change, for we know the Christ there, we belong to Him there, we are joined in one with Him there, we are heavenly because He is. He will extend the work of salvation and exaltation to our members which are upon earth, to the body realm that still dwells in an earthly state, so as to present our whole being in the power of divine, incorruptible, and immortal life in the true sphere and home of that life above — a spiritual body! Oh, yes! We are to possess a fully developed body which belongs to the celestial world! This change from mortality to immortality takes place as Christ arises from the inner, heavenly sanctuary of our spirit, coming out of heaven (spirit) within us to manifest in the visible world. We know our true spiritual and divine state in our heavenly life, and now soul and body are to be raised up into union in that heavenly life. As we find Christ in us as the source of our life, tremendous changes take place! Oh, the mystery of it! It is not from earth that we look for heaven to swoop down and change us; it is in heaven that we look for our outer man to catch up to our inner man. “From heaven we look for our Saviour to change our vile body!” Hallelujah! This, my beloved, is that full salvation that includes the plentiousness of His incorruptible life, nature and power. It is the full salvation of the whole man, spirit, soul, and body, a victory so complete, so powerful, so divine and eternal, that there is NO POSSIBILITY OF EVER SINNING OR DYING AGAIN! These overcomers possess the very fullness of the divine nature! They are not merely “saved by grace,” but have totally laid down their own lives and completely taken up HIS. They are incorruptible in nature and immortal in substance. This, dear ones, is the TRUE ETERNAL SECURITY! These are they to whom the promise is given, “and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life.” When the process of redemption and salvation is completed in us and we are like Him fully, there will be NO MORE CHANGE, for we will dwell in the totality of being in that state of being as unchangeable as He is unchangeable, as eternal as He is eternal!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 14:46:17 +0000

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