I go on and on about health. I often do it to remind myself why it - TopicsExpress


I go on and on about health. I often do it to remind myself why it is important to me. I dont preach fitness to anyone but myself. It is interesting to me. I am fascinated by the human body. What people think is right for one that isnt right for another (ie: how terrible and toxic garlic is for my specific body). I want to keep my body healthy so I can live for a long time. (knowing full well I could be hit by a car and die tomorrow). I participate in the aging of my body. I am proactive in defending my body against ailments. Preventative motivation. But what I never hear people talk about is Mental health. One of my friends took his own life a couple days ago. He was much older than myself and knowing him... I can totally see how it could make sense for him. Ive been suicidal many times in my past. I tried taking my own life twice when I was younger. I get it. But more importantly I get how active one needs to be to not repeat these kind of tragic thoughts. I actively try to be aware of how I age, physically AND mentally. I was strong in a way I am not now.. back in my 20s. And it just gets harder, everything gets harder as you get older. I feel pretty young. Actually I feel really young, and at the same time it takes a lot of focus and elimination of external variables to keep myself physically and mentally limber. You can work out your whole life and not take care of your brain and not be able to dodge the darts life throws at you. This is important to me. I dont work out to just get skinny or loose weight. I work out so I can live. Long. I know how important it is to reconnect with myself. Sit with a book and have a quiet moment. How important it is to play games and learn languages and have hobbies. Live to live. Work to live. The idea of retiring is crazy to me, which means I will have to be physically and mentally strong to maneuver the different trials life will put me through every 10 years or so. In a book im reading now... this guy talks about his grandfather who lived to be 116. Physically, that sounds amazing. Mentally... mentally that is just astounding! To witness so many humans existing on so many levels and watching the young dismiss the advice and wisdom of the old. I bet that is hard on a persons mind. And fascinating. The focus to maintain cognitive function... thats amazing. I CHOOSE to stay young. I CHOOSE to put as much importance into exercising my mind as I put into exercising my body. That balance... THAT is sustainable living.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 19:15:19 +0000

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